Layanan Pembersihan Rumah - Harga Rata-rata Biaya Yang Diharapkan Dengan pembersihan rumah profesional, dapatkan beberapa kutipan pembersihan terperinci. Harga rata-rata untuk menyewa layanan pembersihan adalah antara 90 dan 150. Harga bervariasi tergantung pada ukuran rumah Anda dan layanan apa yang Anda inginkan. Frekuensi juga merupakan faktor yang banyak penyedia layanan menawarkan tarif yang lebih rendah untuk pembersihan mingguan dibandingkan dengan bulanan atau dua bulanan. Biaya tambahan sering berlaku untuk: Perapian Windows Oven Lemari es Rak atau plafon tinggi Jika rumah Anda berada di luar area layanan reguler, mereka mungkin juga mengenakan biaya untuk perjalanan. Ajukan pertanyaan tentang semua layanan pembersihan ini dan bagaimana faktor tersebut sesuai dengan jumlah Anda. Harga Membersihkan Rumah Rata-rata Ada berbagai tugas yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan profesional di sekitar rumah Anda. Untuk memastikan kesepakatan yang baik, dapatkan penawaran dari beberapa layanan, karena beberapa mungkin menawarkan penawaran paket atau tarif khusus tergantung pada musim dan faktor lainnya. Sebagai garis dasar, berikut adalah harga rata-rata untuk layanan umum yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan pembersih rumah: Tarif Rata-rata Per Jam Jika Anda mempekerjakan seorang profesional atau individu untuk membersihkan rumah Anda setiap jam daripada dengan rekaman persegi, maka Anda melihat harga yang berbeda tergantung pada Beberapa faktor. Pertama, apakah Anda mempekerjakan satu orang atau layanan Dua, seberapa sering Anda mempekerjakan mereka untuk membersihkan rumah Anda Sekali seminggu Setiap minggu Sekali sebulan Sementara Anda dapat menghitung tarif rata-rata per jam, yang baik tahu apa yang mungkin Anda bayar pada Mingguan atau bulanan, untuk jaga-jaga. Beberapa tingkat yang dapat Anda lihat adalah: 50 sampai 70 untuk seorang individu selama dua jam 80 sampai 150 untuk sebuah perusahaan pembersih profesional selama dua jam. Catatan ini dapat berubah tergantung pada seberapa besar rumah Anda juga. Jika Anda memiliki apartemen atau kondominium kecil, bisa menuju ke ujung bawah. Jika rumah Anda memiliki banyak ruangan atau cerita, bisa menuju ke ujung yang tinggi, jika tidak lebih tinggi dari perkiraan ini. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tingkat pembersihan per jam untuk layanan pembantu A. S. adalah antara 25 dan 45 per jam. Jadi ingatlah itu saat mendapatkan penawaran. Namun, pengurus rumah tangga dan individu harus bekerja sendiri dan tidak bisa mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin rumah dalam sehari sebagai layanan, jadi mereka akan mengenakan biaya di atas rata-rata itu. Bagaimana Harga Pembersihan Properti Ditentukan Saat Anda menyewa jasa pembersih profesional. Mereka akan menagih Anda dengan jam atau kaki persegi. Jika Anda memiliki satu ruangan dibersihkan, biasanya biaya lebih efektif untuk biaya per jam. Jika Anda memiliki seluruh rumah Anda dibersihkan, mereka biasanya akan mengenakan biaya dengan kaki persegi. Beberapa faktor lain yang mungkin mempengaruhi tingkat Anda meliputi: Frekuensi pembersihan Hewan peliharaan di rumah Ragam permukaan untuk membersihkan Pembersihan khusus (jendela, perabot) Jumlah orang yang membersihkan Anda dapat bernegosiasi dengan layanan pembersihan rumah untuk mencapai harga yang wajar. Tapi jangan terlalu fokus pada uang yang Anda korbankan. Jika, misalnya, biaya perusahaan per jam dan Anda tidak mau membayar cukup waktu untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas, Anda mungkin tidak puas dengan hasil akhirnya. Bagaimana Menyimpan Uang di Pembersihan Rumah Jika Anda ingin menghemat uang untuk membersihkan rumah profesional. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang dapat Anda lakukan: Tetaplah di Anggaran Pilihlah perusahaan yang menyediakan semua layanan yang Anda butuhkan dengan harga yang tepat. Jangan mendapatkan layanan termurah yang bisa Anda temukan, atau yang paling mahal. Periksa ulasan online dan bicaralah dengan klien masa lalu untuk mendapatkan ide tentang apa yang diharapkan. Anda mungkin menemukan perusahaan pembersih yang termasuk dalam anggaran Anda. Lakukan Tugas Pembersihan Kecil Sendiri Jika Anda menyewa jasa pembersih yang datang setiap minggu, Anda dapat melakukan hal-hal di sekitar rumah untuk mengurangi waktu pembersihan. Lakukan tugas kecil seperti cepat membersihkan permukaan terbuka atau membuang sampah. Semakin banyak pekerjaan kecil yang Anda lakukan, semakin sedikit yang harus mereka lakukan setiap minggu atau bulanan. Pilih Apa yang Mereka Bersihkan Meskipun Anda bisa menyewa pembersih profesional untuk melakukan hampir semua hal, Anda tidak perlu melakukannya. Pilih kamar tertentu untuk mereka bersihkan. Pilihlah ruangan yang membutuhkan pekerjaan paling banyak atau dapatkan banyak lalu lintas pejalan kaki. Dengan begitu, Anda menghemat uang dan masih memiliki rumah yang bersih. Memiliki Perlengkapan Berguna Anda harus selalu menyediakan perlengkapan pembersih untuk para profesional. Tidak ada alasan untuk membayar ekstra untuk persediaan mereka bila harganya lebih murah untuk disediakan sendiri. Sebagai manfaat tambahan, saat Anda perlu membersihkan kamar atau merapikan kekacauan, Anda akan memiliki apa yang Anda butuhkan di tangan. Menyewa Perusahaan atau Individu Ada perbedaan yang signifikan saat Anda mempekerjakan seseorang daripada perusahaan pembersih profesional. Ini termasuk biaya untuk menyewa, masalah hukum potensial, dan ketersediaan. Dalam kedua kasus tersebut, penting untuk mengajukan banyak pertanyaan, jadi Anda tahu persis apa yang Anda dapatkan untuk uang Anda. Pengurus rumah tangga individu dapat menawarkan layanan khusus selain sekedar membersihkan, seperti pakaian lipat, makanan masak, perawatan anak dan sebagainya. Namun, jika mereka sakit atau harus pergi berlibur, Anda wont punya pengganti. Mungkin juga ada masalah hukum yang terkait, jadi jika Anda tidak bekerja dengan perusahaan berlisensi dan berikat, yang terbaik adalah mengambil beberapa langkah ekstra untuk melindungi diri Anda: Hubungi IRS untuk ID perusahaan Verifikasi bahwa mereka dapat bekerja di Amerika Serikat Verifikasi bahwa Asuransi Anda mencakup orang-orang yang bekerja di rumah Anda Membayar biaya tambahan - asuransi, misalnya - jika Anda membayar mereka lebih dari 1.700 per tahun Layanan pembersih memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan juga. Sebuah layanan pembersih memiliki seluruh tim yang ada di pembuangan, jadi biasanya tersedia backup. Mereka bisa lebih teliti karena mereka bisa mengirim tim dan bukan individu. Namun, mereka mencoba untuk menutupi banyak rumah dalam sehari, jadi mereka mungkin terburu-buru dan menawarkan layanan individual yang kurang. Layanan Pembersihan Populer lainnya Selain pembersihan rumah, ada jenis layanan pembersih lainnya yang tersedia untuk pemilik rumah. Bergantung pada seberapa banyak pekerjaan yang ingin Anda berikan kepada profesional, Anda berpotensi menghemat banyak proyek pembersihan rumah. Berikut adalah beberapa profesional jasa pembersih yang populer. Pembersih Karpet Vacuuming adalah solusi jangka pendek yang bagus untuk menjaga karpet Anda tetap bugar. Namun, juga perlu pembersihan dalam jangka panjang untuk umur panjang, yang terkadang terdengar seperti tugas pembersihan yang murah namun bisa menyakitkan jika dilakukan secara tidak benar. Disarankan agar karpet Anda dibersihkan dari setiap tahun sampai 18 bulan, tergantung pada garansi dan jumlah lalu lintas pejalan kaki. Anda bisa membersihkan uap karpet Anda atau membersihkan kering, meskipun pembersihan uap adalah metode yang paling umum. Jika Anda mendapatkan harga pembersih karpet dari para profesional, beberapa pertanyaan yang harus diajukan adalah: Berapa lama Anda menjalankan bisnis Bagaimana saya akan dikenakan biaya untuk pembersihan Berapa biayanya Apakah Anda bersertifikat Jika saya memindahkan perabotan sebelumnya Sebelum pembersih karpet tiba , Tandai area masalah seperti noda hewan peliharaan, bercak kopi dan bercak-bercak. Hapus apa pun yang rapuh jika pembersih perlu memindahkan perabotan. Membersihkan karpet adalah cara yang efisien untuk menghilangkan noda tersebut dan tetap menjamin garansi Anda. Perawatan Cerobong asap Untuk mencegah keracunan api dan karbon monoksida, Anda harus membersihkan cerobong asap secara teratur. Perlu ada daun, puing dan creosote yang dilepas sebelum Anda menyalakan api di perapian. Pastikan untuk meminta pembersih cerobong asap: Berapa lama mereka melakukan bisnis Jika mereka memiliki referensi dari klien masa lalu Jika mereka memiliki kebijakan pertanggungjawaban jika terjadi kerusakan Theres akan menjadi banyak jelaga dan puing yang keluar saat pembersihan cerobong asap, jadi Pastikan untuk bertanya tentang tikar dan seprai untuk menutupi perabotan dan lantai Anda. Anda ingin keluar dari ruangan selama proses ini. Jika Anda memiliki hewan peliharaan atau anak-anak, Anda juga ingin mereka keluar dari ruangan, jadi mereka tidak menghirup jelaga atau menyebarkannya dengan kaki mereka. Sisi Pembersihan Pagar Anda membutuhkan perawatan dan perawatan rutin, terutama setelah cuaca buruk yang parah. Periksa noda berat seperti karat, lumut atau kotoran di permukaan. Anda kadang-kadang bisa melepasnya dengan scrubber, sementara noda yang lebih keras kepala mungkin memerlukan mesin cuci daya. Sadarilah bahwa mesin cuci daya dapat merusak pintu dan jendela. Anda dapat menyewa seorang profesional untuk mengoperasikan mesin cuci daya di mana saja antara 200 dan 400. Mereka perlu menggunakan tongkat ekstensi untuk sampai ke bagian yang lebih tinggi di rumah Anda. Anda juga harus memastikan untuk menutup semua jendela dan pintu sehingga air tidak mengalir dan merusak interior. Jendela Membersihkan Jendela Anda membangun banyak debu, kotoran dan kotoran. Dengan membawa seorang profesional setidaknya dua kali setahun, Anda akan menikmati jendela bersih tanpa goresan, goresan atau bekas. Layanan pembersihan jendela akan dikenakan biaya tergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti: Jumlah jendela Peralatan yang dibutuhkan Keadaan khusus, seperti jika ada noda atau tanda yang memerlukan perhatian ekstra Pembersih jendela menggunakan beberapa persediaan pembersih yang sama dengan yang Anda gunakan untuk membuat jendela Anda terlihat berkilau cerah. . Saat mereka memiliki banyak deposit mineral atau minyak yang dibutuhkan bahan kimia khusus. Jika Anda ingin menjaga agar jendela Anda tetap dalam kondisi baik dan mengurangi biaya, Anda dapat secara teratur mencuci jendela dengan spons atau kain lembut. Gutter amp Roof Cleanup Seiring waktu, terutama pada musim gugur dan musim dingin, selokan dan downspouts Anda mengumpulkan banyak daun dan puing yang mencegahnya mengeringkan kelembaban dari atap. Juga, beberapa jenis pohon mdash belalang, pohon ek dan maples, misalnya mdash menjatuhkan banyak daun di musim semi dan musim panas, yang bahkan membuat puing-puing lebih banyak lagi. Sementara pemilik rumah bisa mengambil risiko memanjat tangga dan membuang puing-puing itu sendiri, ini terlalu berbahaya bagi banyak orang. Pembersih bersih dan pembersih profesional bisa masuk dan melakukan pekerjaan ini tanpa membahayakan nyawa mereka, dan harganya tidak terlalu mahal. Mereka juga dapat memeriksa adanya celah atau lubang pada selokan yang dapat menyebabkan masalah drainase, dan memasang jaring di selokan untuk mencegah agar tidak terbentuk. Ducts amp Vents Sistem pemanas dan pendinginan Anda bergantung pada serangkaian saluran logam untuk menghasilkan udara panas dan sejuk ke rumah Anda. Seiring waktu, saluran ini bisa tersumbat dengan debu dan puing-puing. Jika tidak dicentang, ini bisa mendorong jamur, menarik hama dan hewan pengerat dan mempengaruhi kesehatan Anda. Saluran dan pembersihan ventilasi melibatkan suction vakum yang kuat untuk menghilangkan kotoran. Tapi jangan coba ini dengan vakum rumah tangga biasa Anda. Sistem vakum yang dirancang untuk pembersihan saluran jauh lebih kuat dan bisa menghilangkan debu dan puing-puing yang terjebak jauh ke dalam kerja saluran Anda. Biaya pembersihan saluran tergantung pada ukuran rumah Anda. Seorang profesional harus bisa memberi Anda kutipan pembersihan yang akurat dengan mengetahui ukuran rumah dan sistem HVAC Anda. Mempekerjakan layanan pembersihan rumah adalah cara yang bagus untuk melakukan beberapa tugas sehari-hari dari daftar tugas Anda dan memberi diri Anda hadiah hemat stres. Dengan mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah Anda sebelumnya, Anda akan tahu apa yang diharapkan dan bagaimana memastikan Anda mendapatkan apa yang Anda inginkan dari layanan yang Anda tangani. Setelah Anda mencobanya, Anda akan menemukan bahwa pembersihan rumah profesional menyeluruh adalah investasi yang bernilai baik dan waktu yang Anda masukkan ke dalamnya. Saya perlu seseorang untuk mengemas barang dari dapur, pantry, dan ruang cuci, kantor, dll. Kemudian bersihkan peralatannya, dan lain-lain ke mana saya akan pindah dan mungkin membantu membongkar satu atau beberapa minggu berikutnya. Mau packing dilakukan pada 3-23 atau 3-24, 3-25 terbaru. Bagian apa dari area yang Anda layani saat ini di Chatham co, pindah ke co Effingham. Sarankan Tolong.10 Kongres Perks Miliki Itu Pada 20 Oktober 2013 pukul 13.30 Setelah pemadaman pemerintah selama 16 hari, putaran lain tendangan saat menghadapi plafon utang AS, dan perdebatan sengit mengenai masa depan Obamacare, tidak mengherankan bila mengetahui bahwa orang Amerika tidak terlalu memikirkan Kongres. Saya tahu dari perspektif pribadi, saya tidak terlalu senang dengan usaha yang telah dilakukan beberapa partai dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, namun tiga jajak pendapat sejak 2011 berbicara hebat dengan jumlah vitriol yang ditujukan kepada Kongres. Sumber: Gedung Putih di Flickr. Jajak pendapat terpisah dari The New York Times. Polling Kebijakan Publik, dan Gallup (yang dilakukan antara tahun 2011 dan 2013 untuk dua yang terakhir) menunjukkan bahwa persetujuan Kongres masuk pada rekor terendah antara 9 dan 11, bergantung pada sumber mana yang Anda pilih. Sebagai Sen Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) Jadi tepat memasangnya (link membuka video YouTube) pada tahun 2011 saat berbicara dengan anggota Kongres mengenai 9 persetujuan ratingnya, Apakah hampir di ambang kesalahan untuk nol Para pemungut suara yang disebutkan di atas Memasukkannya ke dalam konteks yang lebih jauh lagi dengan bertanya kepada orang Amerika tentang pendapat mereka tentang Kongres terkait dengan gagasan, orang, dan tugas lain yang tidak menguntungkan. Menurut hasil mereka, Kongres dipandang kurang disukai oleh masyarakat daripada kotoran anjing, wasir, kemacetan lalu lintas, kecoak, jalur di DMV, zombie, herpes, bank, kubis Brussel, IRS, salesman bekas, dan Wall Street. Namun, dengan beberapa anugrah, Kongres tetap berada dalam cahaya yang lebih baik daripada Miley Cyrus. Sementara hasilnya bisa dimengerti lucu, mereka juga sangat sedih. Mengapa karena Kongres mengendalikan pengaturan hukum yang mengatur perorangan dan perusahaan. Seperti yang saya bahas di bulan Juni, persepsi publik bisa menjadi alat berbahaya yang bisa menghancurkan rally pasar saham bahkan jika perusahaan memberikan prospek pertumbuhan yang solid. Keyakinan investor terhadap kongres sangat penting, karena kemampuan mereka untuk menavigasi debat plafon hutang yang akan datang pada awal Februari dapat berdampak besar pada Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: DJI) dan SampP 500 berbasis luas (SNPINDEX: GSPC). Meskipun Dow dan Samper 500 mencapai titik tertinggi sepanjang masa baru minggu ini, penutupan pemerintah diperkirakan menelan biaya 24 miliar dolar AS dalam PDB dan tidak mendekati solusi hutang dan plafon hutang jangka panjang daripada kami sebelumnya. Saat ini minggu lalu Penutupan pemerintah yang berkepanjangan dan default utang akan membuat berita buruk bagi kedua indeks utama A. S. bergerak maju. Namun, apa yang bisa menjadi hal yang paling membingungkan dari semuanya adalah anggapan anggota kongres sebagai ucapan terima kasih telah melayani negara mereka. Saya telah menyoroti tunjangan perusahaan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya selama bertahun-tahun sehingga perusahaan memberikan karyawan mereka, dan beberapa di antaranya melibatkan paket pembayaran selangit, keanggotaan gym gratis, dan rencana pensiun yang lumayan. Tapi ada beberapa fasilitas perusahaan yang dibandingkan dengan 10 yang diambil bersamaan. 1. Gaji tahunan dasar 174.000 Harus diakui, harus ada beberapa premi untuk membayar undang-undang dan menjalankan negara sebagai pejabat terpilih, dan beberapa perusahaan memberi gaji paket pembayaran karyawan yang terlalu tinggi, namun menjadi anggota Kongres mencakup minimal tahunan. Cek gaji 174.000, yang lebih dari tiga kali lebih tinggi dari gaji sektor swasta rata-rata 51.986 pada tahun 2010, menurut Biro Analisis Ekonomi. Sumber: Global X, Flickr. 2. Parkir bandara gratis Berapa banyak yang akan Anda bayar untuk tempat parkir bandara yang berada tepat di sebelah terminal yang Anda tuju di For Congress, sebuah titik nol besar. Pada suatu waktu dalam sejarahnya, jauh sebelum Otoritas Bandara mengendalikan Bandara Nasional Ronald Reagan Washington dan Bandara Internasional Dulles di daerah Washington, D. C., pemerintah federal mengoperasikannya. Ketika Otoritas Bandara mengambil alih pada tahun 1987, sebagai sebuah kehormatan, ia menyimpan 92 tempat terpisah yang berada di antara kedua bandara tersebut untuk anggota Kongres. Pada tingkat 22 per hari, yang mewakili hampir 740.000 dalam pendapatan yang tidak berlaku setiap tahun untuk Reagan National. 3. Gym gratis di tempat untuk anggota DPR Tidak hanya anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat yang dirawat di gym eksklusif mereka sendiri, namun juga dilengkapi dengan TV layar datar, kolam renang, sauna dan ruang arus sungai, dan paddleball. Dan lapangan basket. Ini tidak akan terlalu buruk, kecuali bahwa kongres menahan gimnasiumnya selama 16 hari penutupan pemerintah, dengan menanggung biaya pembersihan dan perawatan untuk para pembayar pajak. 4. Melemahnya pembatasan perdagangan orang dalam Meskipun melewati Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act, mungkin lebih dikenal sebagai STOCK Act pada tahun 2012, Kongres memusnahkan komponen pengungkapan utama awal tahun ini. Meskipun masih membuat sulit untuk melakukan perdagangan informasi dari dalam, ini berarti mereka tidak perlu mengungkapkan secara terbuka perdagangan mereka dan pengetahuan orang dalam yang potensial. Yang patut dipuji mereka melewati batasan, tapi sulit mereka tetap jujur jika sulit mengakses informasi. 5. Hingga 239 hari libur Menurut kalender kongres yang dirilis pada akhir 2012, ada 126 sesi kongres di dalam dakaf tanpa satu minggu kerja lima hari, membuat anggota Kongres dengan 239 hari bekerja di luar Kongres. Terkadang ini berarti bekerja di negara asal mereka, dan dalam kasus lain itu bisa berarti liburan. Anggota Kongres mendapatkan seluruh bulan Agustus, mendapatkan dua minggu di sekitar Easter off, dan werent dijadwalkan untuk bekerja dalam satu akhir pekan, menurut map tahun ini. Tentu saja, map kongres dapat diubah dan, seperti yang kita lihat baru-baru ini seperti debat di langit-langit, anggota Kongres memang akan mengerjakan akhir pekan yang dianggap perlu. 6. Kongres menerima subsidi perawatan kesehatan di bawah Obamacare berdasarkan Perlindungan Pasien dan Perawatan yang Terjangkau, yang lebih dikenal dengan Obamacare, individu diminta untuk memiliki asuransi kesehatan atau menghadapi hukuman yang meningkat setiap tahunnya sampai tahun 2016. Bagi orang yang berpenghasilan kurang dari empat kali lipat Tingkat kemiskinan tahunan (sekitar 46.000) atau keluarga berpenghasilan kurang dari empat kali tingkat kemiskinan (mendekati 92.000), mereka berhak menerima sebagian atau seluruh subsidi untuk asuransi kesehatan mereka melalui bursa kesehatan Obamacares. Kongres, bagaimanapun, juga mendapat sebagian besar dari asuransi kesehatan yang disubsidi oleh publik di bursa kesehatan Obamacares meskipun menghasilkan lebih dari empat kali tingkat kemiskinan. Sumber: Kredit Pajak, Flickr. 7. Rencana pensiun yang lebih baik Menurut angka dari Biro Sensus A. S., rata-rata penerima Jaminan Sosial akan menghasilkan 15.000 per tahun keuntungan sementara pensiun pekerja publik akan rata-rata sekitar 26.000. Sebaliknya, seorang pensiunan anggota Kongres yang melayani 20 tahun akan rata-rata 59.000 setiap tahun untuk mendapatkan tunjangan pensiun. Selain itu, anggota Kongres (sebenarnya semua pekerja federal) memiliki akses ke Thrift Savings Plan, sebuah kendaraan investasi 401 (k) seperti biaya hanya 0,03. Untuk memasukkannya ke dalam konteks, Bankrate mencatat bahwa ini berarti hanya 0,27 biaya untuk setiap 1.000 untuk Thrift Savings Plan, dibandingkan dengan rata-rata 401 (k), yang mengenakan biaya sekitar 5 untuk setiap 1.000 seumur hidup, yang berarti ribuan Kurang dalam biaya untuk pegawai kongres dibandingkan dengan pekerja sektor publik dan swasta. 8. Anggota Kongres bebas terbang OK, jadi tidak setiap penerbangan bebas untuk anggota Kongres, namun sebagian besar penerbangan antara negara asalnya dan Washington, D. C didanai dengan uang pembayar pajak. Yang benar-benar unik adalah bahwa pembuat undang-undang diberi kemampuan oleh maskapai penerbangan untuk memesan sendiri beberapa penerbangan tanpa dikenai biaya berkali-kali karena jadwal mereka yang sangat cair. 9. Manfaat Kematian Jika anggota Kongres terbunuh saat bertugas, keluarga yang masih tinggal dari anggota tersebut berhak menerima gaji minimal satu tahun, atau minimal 174.000. Sebaliknya, anggota keluarga tentara di angkatan bersenjata Amerika Serikat yang binasa saat membela negara kita di dalam negeri atau di luar negeri berhak mendapatkan 100.000 korban jiwa, juga biaya pemakaman dan pemakaman. 10. Sebuah 1,2 juta sampai 3,3 juta tunjangan Anggota DPR menerima tunjangan tahunan 900.000 untuk seorang staf serta anggaran 250.000 untuk biaya perjalanan dan kantor, yang dibayarkan seluruhnya oleh pembayar pajak. Setiap senator, di sisi lain, mendapat anggaran mendekati 3,3 juta berdasarkan angka dari Congressional Research Service. Sekali lagi, perusahaan tertentu menawarkan paket dan tunjangan gaji mewah kepada karyawan sehingga mungkin sedikit munafik untuk memilih Kongres untuk satu hal ini. Namun, saya tidak mengetahui adanya bisnis di luar sana di mana semua karyawan sama-sama mendapatkan setidaknya 1,2 juta biaya yang mereka miliki. Ikuti kontributor Fool Sean Williams di CAPS dengan nama layar TMFUltraLong. Lacak setiap pick yang dia buat di bawah nama layar TrackUltraLong. Dan check out di Twitter, kemana dia pergi dengan handle TMFUltraLong. Cobalah layanan buletin Foolish kami gratis selama 30 hari. Kami bodoh tidak semua memegang pendapat yang sama, tapi kami semua percaya bahwa dengan mempertimbangkan beragam wawasan membuat investor lebih baik. Motley Fool memiliki kebijakan pengungkapan informasi. Berapa Banyak Uang yang Dilakukan Penghasilan Tertinggi Yang Menghasilkan Penghasilan berpenghasilan terbaik di Amerika kaya dengan standar dunia. Dengan pendapatan per kapita rata-rata 48.000, peringkat Amerika di Top 10 di dunia. Sembilan lainnya termasuk Qatar (88.300), Luxembourg (80.000), Singapura (57.230), Norwegia (52.230), Brunei (47.500), Hong Kong (45.000), Swiss (41.800), Belanda (40.800), Australia (39.632) Dan Austria (39.100). Data berasal dari IMF (2015), dan World Bank dan CIA World Factbook mengumpulkan dan menguatkan data serupa. Jika saat lahir, Anda memiliki kemampuan mental untuk memilih tempat yang paling Anda inginkan untuk hidup sebagian besar hidup Anda, salah satu dari 10 negara ini mungkin berada di daftar Anda berkat infrastruktur yang tepat yang memungkinkan kesempatan. Bahkan jika Anda akhirnya menjadi produsen yang paling biasa-biasa saja, Anda masih tertinggal jauh di depan banyak dunia. Sayang sekali kita tidak bisa memilih di mana kita ingin tumbuh dan mencari nafkah. Karena itu, bagus sekali untuk memahami bagaimana kita membandingkannya dengan dunia lain untuk memberi kita beberapa perspektif. Jika semua orang menghasilkan 1 juta setahun, menjadi jutawan tidak istimewa lagi. Pada saat yang sama, jika semua orang berpenghasilan di bawah 20.000 setahun, tingkat pendapatan untuk kemiskinan harus didefinisikan ulang. Semuanya relatif. Kita tahu tentang satu sama lain8217 pendapatan yang harus kita dapatkan Apa yang Terbaik di Dunia Berdasarkan data Revenue Service 4.217 pada database 2010-2014 di bawah ini, seberapa banyak orang Amerika teratas: RINGKASAN PAJAK PENGHASILAN FEDERAL INDIVIDUAL DATA Berdasarkan 1000 penelitian survei sebelumnya tentang Samurai Keuangan pada musim gugur 2014, sekitar 80 pembaca berada di Top 25 (67.000). Senang mengetahui bahwa banyak dari Anda melakukannya dengan baik. Tabel tersebut juga memberi tahu kita beberapa hal tentang persamaan atau ketidaksetaraan, yaitu bahwa 1 pembayar pajak teratas membayar 38 dari semua pajak penghasilan namun hanya memiliki 20 saham dari total AGI. Selanjutnya, 50 besar wajib pajak membayar hampir semua pajak federal negara (97,3) sementara memimpin 87,25 dari total AGI. Tabel dari IRS ini adalah sumber untuk argumen yang sering dikecam secara politis bahwa 47 orang berpenghasilan Amerika membayar nol pajak pendapatan federal. Jika Anda melakukan sedikit latihan lain dan membandingkan 25 pendapatan Amerika teratas dengan 10 negara pendapatan per kapita teratas di dunia, Anda dapat sekali lagi melihat betapa beruntungnya kita. Seandainya saja kita bisa mendapatkan semua upah Amerika untuk membayar pajak, akan membantu kita menopang anggaran kita. Kongres terus-menerus menahan bangsa ini dengan bertengkar mengenai apakah akan memotong 10 miliar di sini, 50 miliar di sana. Yang harus kita lakukan adalah membuat mereka yang berpenghasilan di atas garis kemiskinan yang tidak membayar pajak penghasilan federal membayar hanya 43 bulan dan kita akan menaikkan 60 miliar setahun di sana misalnya Let8217s memiliki semua orang yang berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan negara kita. Kita semua bersama-sama untuk mereka yang hanya berjuang untuk menjaga kepala mereka di atas air, membiarkan mereka membantu. Siapa yang Membayar Tidak Ada Pajak Penghasilan Federal Pusat Kebijakan Pajak8217s Donald Marron mengatakan bahwa mereka terbagi dalam tiga kelompok utama: Orang miskin yang bekerja. Kredit pajak penghasilan yang diterima dan kredit anak dapat membantu keluarga membuat 50.000 atau lebih tidak membayar pajak atau mendapatkan uang kembali. Sekitar 60 dari mereka yang tidak membayar pajak penghasilan memang memberi kontribusi pada pajak gaji, artinya mereka harus memiliki beberapa sumber pendapatan yang bisa diperoleh. Orang tua. Pengurangan standar yang meningkat untuk mereka yang berusia di atas 65 tahun, dan pembebasan sebagian pendapatan Jaminan Sosial, berarti bahwa banyak orang Amerika yang lebih tua tidak membayar pajak penghasilan. Harap diingat meskipun orang tua telah membayar iuran mereka melalui pajak federal selama bertahun-tahun selama karir mereka. Berpenghasilan rendah. Sebuah keluarga beranggotakan empat orang yang hanya mengklaim deduksi standar dan pembebasan pribadi tidak membayar pajak penghasilan federal atas 27.000 pendapatan pertamanya. Seperti yang bisa Anda lihat, menjadi miskin atau lanjut usia mungkin berarti Anda tidak membayar pajak penghasilan federal bersih. Kita semua akan bertambah tua suatu hari nanti, jadi biarkan kelompok ini lolos. Orang tua masuk ke sistem, jadi mari kita jaga mereka. Saya kira salah satu dari kita lebih baik menjadi miskin sehingga kita tidak dapat membayar pajak federal, jadi juga memberi mereka izin. Ini membuat kita memiliki kelompok berpenghasilan rendah yang mungkin telah membuat beberapa keputusan suboptimal seperti memiliki anak walaupun tidak dapat mendukung diri mereka sendiri. Anak-anak diperkirakan menghabiskan biaya antara 100.000 sampai 500.000 dari usia 1-18. Mungkin memiliki banyak anak berpenghasilan rendah tidaklah ideal. Tapi, bagaimana Anda menolak gairah Tidak ada alasan untuk pernah mengeluh Jika Anda bekerja di Amerika, Anda dapat melihat dari atas ke bawah dan bawah perspektif yang Anda lakukan fantastis. Jika Anda berada di 50 orang Amerika yang berpenghasilan di bawah 33.048 setahun, ketahuilah bahwa Anda bisa memperoleh penghasilan lebih banyak jika Anda mau. Setengah dari peperangan tersebut hanya bergerak ke lokasi yang semarak seperti San Francisco Bay Area dimana miliaran dolar mengalir masuk karena inovasi teknologi. Ini tidak seperti Anda harus berani ke laut lepas untuk mencapai Amerika. Ini tidak seperti Anda harus mengendarai kuda selama tiga bulan untuk pergi dari New York ke California. Yang harus Anda lakukan hanyalah naik bus atau pesawat ke tempat beraksi. 20 tahun yang lalu, saya ingat membuat 550 sebulan bekerja di McDonald8217s untuk 3.65hour. Dengan upah 3X lebih tinggi sekarang, saya akan menarik 1,650 sebulan atau 20.000 per tahun Heck, melakukan perjalanan mengemudi untuk Uber selama 20 jam seminggu paruh waktu pada jam 36 dan Anda akan menghasilkan 2.000 sebulan lagi dan berada di urutan teratas 50 penghasil pendapatan. tidak masalah. Ada banyak pertunjukan di luar sana yang membuat para pekerja lepas menghasilkan uang ekstra setelah bekerja, atau kerja lepas penuh waktu. Mengapa tidak mengambil keuntungan Jika Anda hanya bekerja 40 jam seminggu atau kurang dan mengeluh mengapa Anda tidak bisa maju, Anda perlu mengevaluasi kembali etos kerja dan harapan Anda secara serius. Siapa pun bisa melakukannya, Anda tidak mungkin cukup beralasan untuk berpikir bahwa Anda akan bisa bersaing, ketika semua orang di dunia yang ingin maju bekerja 60 jam seminggu dan mendapatkan bayaran lebih sedikit untuk boot Luangkan waktu untuk memahami dunia upah global secara online. Dari pesaing terbesar kami di China dan India. Untuk mempertahankan pendapatan kita, kita harus terus memperbarui keterampilan kita. Ada banyak dari enam pekerjaan angka di luar sana untuk pengambilan. Anda hanya perlu memiliki keinginan, motivasi, etos kerja, dan ketekunan untuk mencapainya. Tahukah Anda bahwa kepala polisi San Francisco membuat 320.000 setahun Lebih jauh lagi, ketika dia pensiun, dia akan mendapatkan pensiun 200.000 setahun seumur hidup. Bukan hanya dokter, pengacara, pemodal ventura, bankir, bintang film dan atlet yang menghasilkan sejumlah uang dengan sehat. Bahkan temanku yang merupakan tukang listrik serikat pekerja dan tidak diijinkan bekerja lebih dari 35 jam seminggu membuat 120.000 setahun dan mendapatkan pensiun 5.000 per bulan saat dia pensiun pada usia 55 tahun. Tidak ada yang menghitung 30.000 setahun dia melakukan pekerjaan sampingan dengan Semua waktu luang itu. Ada enam orang yang berpenghasilan hampir di setiap industri, termasuk industri nirlaba. Kembali ke poin saya, di mana jika setiap orang menghasilkan satu juta dolar setahun, tidak ada orang kaya. Tinggal di San Francisco, rasanya seperti kebanyakan berada di 5 besar penghasil pendapatan (159.619). Saya pasti banyak yang tinggal dan bekerja di Manhattan, dan berpotensi LA dan Chicago merasakan hal yang sama. Biaya hidup mahal di sini. Dan sebagian besar didorong oleh upah tinggi. Kombinasikan dua pencari penghasilan dengan jumlah ini, dan Anda benar-benar dapat mulai memahami mengapa melebihi apa yang dianggap pemerintah sebagai orang kaya (250.000) tidak terlalu sulit. Terima Kaya Untuk Selalu Membayar Lebih Banyak Pajak Karena ekonomi terus pulih pada tahun 2016, kemungkinan besar bahwa 1 pemasukan teratas kemungkinan akan membayar bagian persentase pajak penghasilan keseluruhan yang lebih tinggi daripada bagian pendapatan mereka yang membenarkannya. Jika hal-hal yang adil, yang teratas hanya akan membayar 20 dari total pajak penghasilan sejak 20 adalah bagian dari total pendapatan mereka. Sayangnya, orang kaya membayar hampir dua kali lipat dari apa yang harus mereka bayar. Di sisi lain, 50 terbawah yang berpenghasilan 12,75 dari total pendapatan hanya membayar 2,7 dari total pajak. Tapi, seperti yang kita pelajari di atas, sebagian besar 50 orang berusia lanjut adalah orang tua atau orang miskin. Persis bagaimana pemrotes secara salah mengelompokkan 1 teratas, yang menghasilkan lebih dari 380.000 dengan orang kaya ultra, yang menghasilkan jutaan dolar setahun, membingungkan. Orang-orang Zelot juga mengelompokkan mereka yang berpenghasilan 30.000 setahun dengan Ketidaksetaraan yang paling malang itu salah. Apakah Anda sedang diteror oleh IRS atau dilindungi oleh tentara nasional dari perang nuklir, Anda harus membayar pajak. Jika Anda berkendara di jalan raya antarnegara bagian, Anda harus membayar pajak. Diskriminasi tidak baik, hanya karena Anda tidak didiskriminasikan. Dengan kata lain, tidak tepat untuk selalu mengejar sekelompok penerima, yang sudah membayar pajak penghasilan federal paling banyak, jika Anda tidak membayar pajak atau tidak mau membayar lebih banyak pajak sendiri Jadilah Bos Anda Sendiri Jika Anda Ingin Menjadi Kaya Kami Sedang dalam era teknologi dan internet sekarang. Jika Anda benar-benar menginginkan potensi penghasilan tak terbatas, Anda mungkin juga menjadi bos Anda sendiri suatu hari nanti. Biayanya sangat sedikit sekarang hanya untuk memulai situs web Anda sendiri sehingga Anda dapat merek online Anda sendiri, terhubung dengan orang yang berpikiran sama, menemukan pekerjaan baru dan kesempatan konsultasi, dan berpotensi membuat kehidupan online yang sehat. Lihatlah contoh laporan laba rugi ini dari seorang teman dengan blog keuangan pribadi yang sederhana. Klik grafik untuk mempelajari cara memulai situs Anda dalam waktu 15 menit. Kemungkinan pendapatan tak ada habisnya Saya memulai Samurai Keuangan pada tahun 2009 sebagai hobi untuk membantu memahami kehancuran finansial. Dua setengah tahun kemudian saya menegosiasikan pesangon karena saya menghasilkan kira-kira 80.000 setahun dari hobi ini. Saat ini, penghasilan saya lebih dari yang saya buat sebagai Direktur Eksekutif di sebuah perusahaan keuangan besar saat bekerja kurang dan kurang bersenang-senang. Anda bisa memulai situs WordPress Anda seperti ini dengan Bluehost hanya dengan 2,95 sebulan. Bluehost dioptimalkan untuk WordPress dan memiliki layanan dan kecepatan tinggi. Datang dengan nama domain yang unik dan mudah diingat, temukan tema situs web gratis, hubungkan hosting Anda dan Anda akan siap dan berjalan dalam 30 menit. Semua orang harus memulai sesuatu di samping. Kuncinya adalah mengadopsi kelimpahan mental dan hanya mencoba. Hal-hal yang Anda lakukan sekarang bisa mengubah hidup Anda selamanya Berikut adalah panduan langkah demi langkah tentang cara memulai situs web Anda sendiri dalam waktu kurang dari 30 menit. Melacak Nilai Bersih Anda Secara Gratis Item tindakan lain yang dilakukan orang kaya adalah melacak kekayaan bersih mereka. Anda hanya bisa benar-benar mengoptimalkan kekayaan Anda jika Anda tahu di mana semua uang Anda masuk ke Personal Modal. Alat pengelolaan kekayaan bebas web8217s untuk mendapatkan pegangan yang lebih baik pada keuangan Anda. I8217ve been using them since 2012 and have made much wiser financial decisions since. In addition to better money oversight, run your investments through their award-winning Investment Checkup tool to see exactly how much you are paying in fees. I was paying 1,700 a year in fees I had no idea I was paying. After you link all your accounts, use their Retirement Planning calculator that pulls your real data to give you as pure an estimation of your financial future as possible using Monte Carlo simulation algorithms. Input various expense and income variables to see how you stand. Your goal should be to get to a 90 probability of achieving your goal. Try it out yourself for free. Your future is too important not to take it seriously. You don8217t want to end up old and not have enough money because there is no rewind button Is your retirement on track Check for free after linking your accounts Updated for 2017 and beyond Photo: President Obama and His Dog, Public Domain. Sam started Financial Samurai in 2009 during the depths of the financial crisis as a way to make sense of all the chaos. After 13 years of working in finance, Sam decided to retire in 2012 to utilize everything he learned in the business to help people achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later. Sam is a big advocate of using free financial tools like Personal Capital to help people grow their net worth, track their cash flow, x-ray their portfolios for excessive fees, and plan for retirement. The more you know about your money, the better you can grow your wealth You can sign up to receive his articles via email every time they are published three times a week. Sam also sends out a private quarterly newsletter with information on where hes investing his money and more sensitive information. Subscribe To Private Newsletter Fermis Paradox says That8217s a very important point Bill Richards (not to keep continuing this thread but it provokes thinking). I read a study a couple years ago, I think it was done by an Administration or the CBO, but it found roughly 12 of money income from those under the official poverty line is NOT reported. They determined this and other findings through direct interview of a large sample, not the typical meta-data analysis of broad reported statistics. Meaning this fact will not come from IRS data for example. And it makes perfect sense as well (in case someone wants to raise the BS flag). They not only likely have jobs where this is more frequently the case (e. g. cash work, self employed or working for an individual or small business that can more easily escape reporting requirements), BUT they are motivated NOT to report themselves. By doing so they are able to obtain or maintain greater benefits from the state. You can hardly blame them, they are acting rationally (perhaps not morally). Semper Fidelis says This is absolutely true. I8217ve done bookkeeping and seen it many times. It is pretty easy to legally expense 100 of profit from a business, leaving nothing to tax. I8217ve worked for three or four small businesses that do this. It8217s really quite simple and easy to do. First, register all your vehicles as company vehicles and expense the cost of those vehicles, plus all gasoline and maintenance costs Expense all health insurance costs, co-pays, and deductibles Expense all travel and entertaining that has anything to do with your business or is done with a client or employee Expense all payroll and company retirement contributions (make sure to put the maximum in your own, so you can write off the entire 53,000 as a payroll expense, and make sure that your spouse and children are 8217employed8217 so you can contribute up to 53,000 to their plans, tax free, as well) Expense any other items that are related to your business, including newspaper subscriptions, charitable contributions or advertising, continuing education expenses, city, state or federal licenses, fees or requirements, all telephone and internet service (including personal phones and computers, if you use them to communicate with customers or vendors) Expense home office space from your m ortgage Expense any security services related to business done at home or at business location Expense customer and employee 8216gifts82178230 I8217m sure there are more, but those are the main ones. In a larger business, taking no salary whatsoever (meaning no earned income to tax) and taking instead 8216deferred gains8217 or stock options puts even 25,000,000 into the lowest capital gains tier of 15 (meaning the exact same percentage of tax is due for the twenty five million dollars as an earned income (W-2 or 1099) of less than 37,400 in 2015. They would get buried in an IRS audit. The expenses must be business related. As a bookkeeper you should turn these guys into the IRS and get the 10 finders fee. Wouldn8217t be worth it. The expenses he lists are legit, but only the portion directly related to business. Which means you have to have records of what trips were for business, what were not. But, if you want to go to Hawaii for a vacation, just make sure you attend a conference there 8211 and deduct the airfare, hotel, meals, etc. For an individual, unreimbursed business expenses aren8217t deductible until you reach a certain amount 8211 then they are only deductible after that point. If you own a business, nearly every dollar of the Hawaii trip is deductible. No minimum necessary. But, there are tax incentives against working for yourself, as well. For example, you must pay the self-employed portion of your payroll tax 8211 which would be covered by an employer. My daughter baby-sat last summer to earn money for college. She made less than 800, but had to file a Schedule C (self-employment) and pay the SE tax. She didn8217t pay Federal or State tax, but there is no minimum on the amount you earn before you have to pay SE tax. My thoughts is that if a person who is 80 years old and has 1 million dollars compared to someone who is 30 years old and has 1 million dollars has different worth. Someone who is 30 and has that much money has the most important asset in the world, TIME, to build on that wealth. An old wisdom insight is that most 80 year old people would trade their 1 million to be 30 years old again. Unless your business lost a boatload of money earlier and you have tons of deferred tax credits that are somehow still operational I can8217t see you being taxed 0 all the time. However, with 8220loopholes8221 and clever tricks to transfer wealth like real estate appreciation, life insurance, or maybe out right entering a legal greyblack area that got banks like CS in trouble you can definitely minimize your tax bill to far below the maximum 40 bracket for top earners. Its a bit harder to get below the 15 capital gains but I8217ve read you can do stuff like wait till you die to pass appreciated stock to your heirs so its gets a markup without being taxed. Since I8217m not in any way a financial advisor or estate planner I8217m sure there8217s plenty of other small things you can do that add up. For most Americans, these things are just not worth it as you8217d have to actually hire a good financial advisor estate planner (most of whom charge sizable fees and make 6 figures anually). But if I ever get rich enough and haven8217t succeeded in lobbying the UN to impose a 75 wealth tax on the world and rigorously prosecute capital flight for tax avoidance purposes, I8217m definitely taking advantage of as many of these loopholes as I can. It8217s interesting you say that Tom, because I8217m currently consulting with Personal Capital. a digital wealth manager who employee Registered Investment Advisors to help with estate planning, investing, and so forth. Their highest fee is 0.95 on assets over 100,000 a year, and goes down from there. If someone holds stock till death and extremely wealthy the fair market value of the stock is included in the estate of the deceased. Yes the family will get a step-up in the value of the stock, but could be taxed in the estate if over the giftestate tax exemption amount. Estate tax is 40 currently, so yeah there8217s that8230 Good estate planning will contribute that to a family partnership or another entity and gift the partnership interest at a discounted rate prior to estate issues arising. stock for someone 8220extremely wealthy8221 would likely be moved into an irrevocable trust along with any other assets subject to estate tax (i. e. real estatepersonal property, etc.) during their estate planning. Jonathan SCHAEFER says You BETCHA And kudos to YOU, Sir, for being honest. I can NEVER get angry at someone who USES the system the WAY it was intended. But, until the electorate is given HONEST numbers, we can NEVER realize just how much (or how LITTLE) money is actually being paid by the top 18230.or even 2. I want to see HOUSEHOLD INCOME become the measuring stick. How much did you TAKE IN this year From ALL sources. And how much did you receive in refunds The remainder is how much you actually paid. That, my friend, is the only honest picture, from which we can judge, whether people are paying their fair share of TAXES. In the END, the ONLY fair tax system is one where the household income is computed with the SAME percentage for everyone. No deductions. What a DREAM (one that will never become reality). That kind of thinking is what is saving the rich We have GOT to stop thinking they need to pay such ridiculous rates. Many pay very little actual cash. The thing that has to happen is the rate structure has got to change. That is the only way to insure everyone pays SOMETHING. If every taxable entity paid, say, 7-8, with NO deductions, the government would have more money than they could spend Flat tax rate, no deductions. If you WANT to spend your money, because you have more of it, it will help the overall economy. But no more, where people with billions, get to keep all of it because they spend it correctly. That8217s bullshit. Fermis Parados says And your 7-8 would on average be a tax break to the 1 and would be a tax increase to over 50 of people who file tax returns. Just check the IRS website before making unfounded remarks about how much people actually pay in taxes. And it is all based income, not sure what the remark above is about 8220household income8221 is. That is effectively what the tax is based on (e. g. married filing jointly). Fermis Paradox says Again Tom, I have my suspicion that Eric8217s post is not entirely accurate. Aside from that, the data FS provides is the data, from the IRS, it8217s elsewhere in many places and easy to validate if readers care too. Misalnya. the top 1 paid on average 280,000 in Federal income taxes while the bottom 50 paid about 400 bucks. It8217s all there. So if Eric is somehow suggesting that there is some kind of grand conspiracy out there wherein the wealthiest in our society are somehow escaping taxes (in significant numbers) and as such do not show up in the data8230 well, I wish someone would provide a little more proof (as apposed to some anecdotal example). I guess that8217s the case with conspiracies, there8217s little or no proof. A good exercise for everyone is to hang-out somewhere that successful people gather, say some bar in a very nice restaurant in a wealthy neighborhood. Then just politely ask people about themselves and how they became successful, they will be flattered. Then find a watering hole where you know people are not very 8220economically well off8221 (be careful of course). Ask the same questions, but do it ever so subtly as to not offend. Then just compare the answers. All of this is no mystery. Good tip. If more folks can be willing to open up their minds and look to see how wealthier people got to where they are, instead of just shoot them down for being lucky or whatever, I think more people will get wealthier Get a mentor, listen, ask people who8217ve been there, done that. Fermis Paradox says FS, thanks again for a well balanced and objective website on a subject (money and wealth) that can be so contentious. And much of the mystery, hysteria and misinformation about wealth creation is due to this false egalitarian ethic that permeates every aspect of our society today. Yes, everyone is entitled to equal opportunity, but that NEVER produces equal results and never will 8211 simply because individual people are in fact different from one another and that leads to different outcomes (e. g. beliefs, ambition, willingness to take risk, preferences for certain life endeavors, culture, cognitive ability and so on). All too often people make certain life decisions, take certain paths in life, engage in certain behavior, don8217t recognize they lack requisite traits, abilities, etc. all which ends up hindering their 8220success8221 or at least as they perceive it. They then blame 8220the system8221 or the successful or any number of externalities other than themselves. The reasoning goes: 8220if everybody is equal then anyone who has more must have obtained it at the expense of someone else or it is otherwise ill-gotten.8221 I agree, I here hear people say all the time the rich pay less in taxes, they use Warren Buffet as their example. I ask them to point me to the location in the tax code that the rate decreases. It does not. It never decreases. Then they state well he makes all his money on investment, and capital gains is lower, well yes, but its even with capital gains the rich pay more on capital gains. The fact is the press has done a great job of saying the rich are bad, corporations are bad. Maybe people should be upset with how the government spends the money they takes from people. Specifically, people who have a lot of investment income, long-term, reap huge benefits by only having to pay 28 Capital Gain Tax Rate, rather than the normal 35 rate. Also huge corporations can move to Ireland or other off-shore locations to enjoy tax benefits while still operating mostly in the US. Fermis Paradox says Jacob, simply check the IRS data, it belies what you say. In terms of income groups, each successive group tax payers with greater income pays a greater of their income (regardless of source) in taxes (Top 1 gt Top 5 gt Top 10, etc. in terms of income earning groups). And you are confusing marginal rates with average rates, you are comparing the top marginal income tax rate with a capital gains rate. It is more than likely for most their average tax rate is lower than the 28 you specify, that8217s all that matters, really. That8217s in the IRS data too. Moreover, stockholders own and are responsible for the company in all regards the income, the cost, the profit AND for the taxes. The corporation also pays taxes on the stockholders behalf, so the combined tax on corporate 8220profit8221 or 8220returns to capital8221 is very large in this country. And as much as you would like to believe companies run from America to incorporate, the number is quite small by comparison. Lastly, even if your argument were true, common sense suggests that even the difference you sight is so small that it in no way explains the differences in after-tax income. The top capital gain rate is around 23 percent. The capital gain rate for people in the 15 percent bracket is zero. A married couple who is living off investments can therefore take home around 75k and pay no taxes. A non married couple with head of household closer to 90 k if both have their own portfolios. If the married couple have itemized deductions and exemptions they could potentially take home close to 90k to 100k before paying any taxes. If this couple were running a business they could deduct their BMW lease payments, health care costs, and other benefits to help this couple have a break even business. Furthermore this small business can offer a 401k plan and Hsa plan to put away another 22k away tax free. This couple would be in the top 8 percent and pay no income tax. Super wealthy people won8217t pay zero income tax, but those who rely on the capital gains rate will pay a lower effective tax than many middle class families. Furthermore wealthy investors pay zero dollars on the appreciation of their assets which is arguably income in a real sense. I hope this helps with the zero tax part8230 Semper Fidelis says Eric the Viking says After working our tails off for 20 years my wife and I entered the top 1 in our early 408217s and recently at age 49 entered the the top 0.1. You would never know by looking at us that we have an eight figure net worth. We have no boats, motorcycles, or fancy cars. My car doesn8217t even have power seats. We know many other 1er8217s and I can attest that they all pay big taxes. We pay about 43 of our gross income every year in state and federal taxes. Add sales tax, FICA, medicare, and property taxes on top of that and about 50 of our income goes towards taxes. The real problem will be when wealthy couples like us step out of the work force a decade or more before normal retirement age because we are tired of working for the government 5-6 months out of the year. Serious tax reform is needed if this country is to survive another 200 years. I don8217t mind paying my 8220fair share8221 but the top marginal of 51.4 that we currently pay on much of our income is too high. It is one of the major reasons for our decision to retire in the next couple years. I retired early partly due to high taxes as well. I8217ve found that making 200,000-250,000 a year is the ideal income for maximum happiness. Income is enough to do whatever you want, and you aren8217t taxed to the point where you feel taken advantage of. Please excuse me if I don8217t feel a bit sorry for you or your 8 figure income. How much money does one actually NEED What do you do with your money Your take home is over 500k a year and you have no big material items. You either make lousy investments or like to sit on money and whine about paying taxes. I am in the same situation and don8217t spend like crazy yet enjoy life. Paying taxes over 50 is fine and def prefer to keep working and paying vs no longer bringing in 500k a year. Paul Liimatta says I8217m tired of hearing the ways to produce more revenue for the government when there8217s so much waste reported and inappropriate funding in the 100s of billions along with IRS workers who owe billions in back taxes. It8217s preposterous the effort in trying to raise any taxes before the waste is handled through a combination of law changes, policy, sending civil servants and bankers to prison for crimes that undermine our economy. All that money would probably add up to 500 billion at least, start there I worked for the IRS in data entry for awhile and I can personally attest that the wealthy are often paying less taxes. I hand entered and coded paper tax returns and was shocked how a family of 4 making 20-30k would frequently be paying less than someone making well over 100k. I can8217t say how it happened because I was younger and didn8217t really understand tax codes, but I was the one typing in the numbers and the 8220amount paid8221 by many, many wealthy taxpayers was frequently less than the poorer families. I remember distinctly my shock and outrage after I saw the pattern emerge. 8220I hand entered and coded paper tax returns and was shocked how a family of 4 making 20-30k would frequently be paying less than someone making well over 100k.8221 This is right, unless you think someone making over 100k should pay less Why are you shocked When you said rich paying less, I would assume you are saying in terms of effective tax rate, not the whole amount. The fact is the top 5 earners are contribution over 80 of tax revenue for the govt. Fermis Paradox says In reading her post, Deniece mentions she entered the 8220amount paid8221, presumably accompanying the return she hand-entered. So it is not surprising that in some cases an earner with less AGI paid more than a higher earner simply because they did not withhold appropriately. The higher earner may have a tax consultant so they can maintain proper withholding, especially considering the higher dollar penalties they may pay vis--vis the lower income earner. After all, we are debating with a data entry clerk at the IRS. Deniece: all you have to do is go to the IRS website, there you can see the 8220effective8221 or average tax rate and amounts (actual dollars) filers pay for various income brackets. BOTH the effective rates and dollars paid GO UP with increasing income bracket. Of course, there are unique cases where you can compare individual filers and this is will not hold true, partly because our tax system is so complex. But on average (which is what we are talking about) higher income equals a higher bracket AND greater tax paid. This is a tired talk show theme. Take a look at effective tax rates for all taxes combined, including state, local, sales etc. And you will find that most poor and middle class are paying a higher rate than the wealthy. Also note that this country has some of the highest measures of income and capital inequality of any wealthy country in the world and you8217ll realize the poor aren8217t doing so well and the rich are getting by just fine. I don8217t think we need to increase taxes on the poor at this point. Fermis Paradox says Tom: the tired talk show theme is exactly what you are trying to get people to believe. The fact that it is a meme, continually broadcasted by so many doesn8217t make it true. Go check the CBO website for what you are looking for (combined taxes), it8217s out there. All Fed, State and local incomes taxes are progressive or at a minimum flat. Sales and transactional taxes are what they are, those with greater income spend more or have assets that are taxed more. So even at an 8220equivalent rate8221 they are higher (and of course, in absolute dollars, higher income earners pay much, much, more). Moreover, the lower income brackets not only pay fewer taxes (if at all on a net basis) but often receive direct dollar benefits (e. g. earned income tax credits) and a whole host of non-cash benefits those paying substantial taxes are not 8220entitled8221 to. Yours is a very old and unjustified argument. Sow me where in the tax code the tax rate goes down. Fermis Paradox says That is just crazy speak Johnny Those are extraneous examples. You8217re asking us to believe that someone making close to 400K a year is poor And your definition of 8220fair8221 is essentially saying the government should somehow ensure (through law or handouts) that virtually every need and then some is met, regardless of what occupation is chosen. YES, Work harder at your minimum wage job, better yet work two minimum wage jobs, 80 hours a week, 7.25 8052, and you, slacker that you are, still will top out at 30k. Don8217t tell me that the big wage earners have opportunities that you don8217t have, and you know how they slave away at those ego-suffocating jobs. You low wage earners just need to uproot your family and move to a city with high tech jobs8230not that you have the skills or education to get any of those jobs8230.then there8217s that spendthrift government, providing benefits to veterans and healthcare to all Americans, monitoring our security, food, water, and air.. A condescending article that ignores the realities of life for many in the US 8230. At 389K a year, you still expect sympathy Nobody expect sympathy for those making 389,000. But people making 389,000 certainly don8217t deserve to get attacked and vilified. I8217d rather say thank you for paying so much in taxes that gets redistributed to others who have less. It8217s OK to try and raise taxes on others if you don8217t have to pay more yourselves. But as someone who has experienced racial discrimination before growing up in the south as a minority, I can unequivocally tell you that discrimination is NOT OK just because you aren8217t being discriminated against. How about getting the skills and education to get those jobs The internet and knowledge is essentially free now. Nobody needs to thank anyone for paying taxes: we all know the rules going in (or can look them up), and none us set our own salaries or our own tax rates (unless you8217re a politician). It8217s the nature of the beast, it8217s the law, and it8217s part of being a citizen in our great country. To feel entitled to a 8216thank you8217 when you willingly work here, knowing full well what you8217ll be taxed, is pretty obnoxious. That8217s like people taking out 100K for an out-of-state B. A. then complaining and wanting the debt forgiven. It might be even more obnoxious, since (if you8217re making 400K) your life is probably much better than the ignorant indebted student8217s. I8217m sure that student would gladly take your job and salary off your hands and pay your taxes for you. I think saying 8220thank you8221 is a cheap and easy way to show appreciation. So, I say 8220thank you8221 to as many people as possible. A little acknowledgement goes a long way, and I8217m supremely appreciative of those who support those who have less. I8217d like your opinion and others input on this question: I need to park 400k for approx 1-2 years. At which time I would then use it to purchase a house. however for that 1-2 years, i8217d like it to be working for me, but don8217t want to lose it either. I was considering putting it into PPF andor PGF. looking at the history of those ETF, they both seem relatively stable when the market fluctuates and they pay a nice dividend. so it 8220appears8221 to me they are somewhat stable and safe investment. I8217m close to retirement and have other funds invested already, and I just sold my property and will rent until i figure out where I want to live and retire.. Thoughts and Opinions Appreciate any feedback you and your readers may have. 1-2 years is an insufficient time horizon for any equity investment to guarantee you a return. Buy a t-bill or park it in a high yield savings account. The return sucks but if you can8217t afford to have under 400k in 1-2 years when you need that money than you can8217t afford to take the volatility risk. DJ an economist says This article is somehow misleading. The important point of misunderstanding is that 8220Income Split Point8221 is the dividing line of each income layers, and it does not mean average income of the layers. This article does not show the definition of this terminology and relates it to the average income of each layer. My understanding is that it is the bottom line of each layer, from which the next layer begins. The average compensation for top 1 in 2011 was 10.5 million, a lot bigger than the split point of 380 thousand something. They are compensated with stock options and other bonuses as well. Check this article in Forbes. forbessitesscottdecarlo20120404americas-highest-paid-ceos Tax burden share can have implications, but it is also misleading. Some 15 in America is now living under the poverty line. By the very definition of poverty line, it means the subsistence income that enables poor people merely keep their subsistence. Should such people pay income tax as well They may not pay income tax, but they pay the same indirect tax when they buy a Big Mac. Regards DJ an economist says I correct the mistake in my previous comment. The compensation of 10.5 million in 2011 in Forbes article was for the chief executives of top 500 companies, and so it does not mean the compensation for top 1. I don8217t know why I was confused at the time. I intended to indicate the misleading concept of the 8220Income Split Point8221, which does not mean the average but the border line of each income layer. Terima kasih. According to that chart the average AGI of the 1 after taxes is 924,000. It is 14,956 for the bottom 50. That is AGI. The wealthy have many tools to work the A part so the I part looks lower than it is. Setting that aside, compare 924,000 per year to 15,000 per year. Who can afford to pay more in taxes from this calculation Can the poor folks struggling to get by on 924k a year, get by on say 800k a year Ask the 15kyear folks. Another perspective, it will take the 15k folks over 61 years to make the amount the 924k folks make in one year. A long lifetime of working to make what the 1 make in one year. Do the 924K folks compress the equivalent of a long lifetime of work of the 15k folks into their work year. can they flip 61 times more burgers in a year than the guy that8217s been stuck doing that for 20 years I know many white collar professionals work very hard. They also surround themselves in luxury while they do it. The the doctor entrepreneur do his 80 hours a week as a construction site laborer with a side of fast food slinging and another of pick up yard work, for a bottom 50 income. See which he finds harder to do. The fact is, our system REQUIRES a large of poor people it generates them. Wealth is made from actual work. But in our system, being wealthy means you get income and more wealth simply by having enough wealth to 8220invest8221. You don8217t earn that. That wealth is created by the lower income workers who do actual work. But it goes to those wealthy enough to 8220invest8221. It is utterly absurd to suggest, in our system, the way work is currently valued, that everyone CAN get ahead. Everyone can8217t. Only a few can. If everyone in the US had a high IQ and a PhD, there would still have to be hotel maids, burger flippers, slaughterhouse workers, farm workers, factory workers, baristas and on and on. They CAN8217T be well off in our system. Stop pretending that they can if they just work harder or smarter. What needs to happen, more than tax reform is a radical reform in understanding and appreciating the value of work. Menial labor is required for our society to function. It is required for the wealthy to be wealthy. What would be 8220FAIR8221 is the recognition of the true value of all types of work that make our society function, and the rewards of that work be more fairly distributed. When that happens, sure, let8217s talk universal flat tax. Until then, you are a horses ass to suggest it. What a great post. If everyone worked harder and get more skills, then by definition, they cannot enter the 10 or 1, but still be at the 50 level or below. Every agrees that the top earners pay more (in absolute and relative terms) than those who are poor. But flat taxes don8217t make sense in a logarithmic world. If I made 100k, and 15k goes to my flat tax, the remaining 75k is enough to have a good middle-class lifestyle. If I made 25k, then about 3800 goes to taxes. Since I8217m much closer to the margin, this 3800 means much more to me than the 15k to the 100k earner, and especially to the 1million earner who pays 150k. A progressive tax system is a fair tax system. We must strive to continually improve and simplify it. But as a tax philosophy, it is much more fair than a flat tax. On the spending side, all the rage is on small items like scientific research, government salaries, arts funding, etc. If you8217re serious about balancing budget and reducing spending, you only need to look at Social Security, MedicaidMedicare, and Defense. These items make up about 75 of our budget. Serious cuts or reforms in these items will need to be made, but in our political climate, would be impossible. US consists of 2 category of retirees. Ones protected by pension, and ones who are not. The web is full of articles on how 401K is same as pension, when it is NOT. It is high time individuals are given more choices to save, with no pension to rely on, in most of corporate world. 8211 A request from hard working middle income group, who can never be on Govt subsidies. Ppl on here are so crazy frustrating it8217s insane. How can people be so blind. 84 of taxes are paid by the top 20, which starts around 70,000 a year. Someone making 389,000yr should not be taxed at same rate of someone making 20 millyr no matter how the income is made. Corporate tax is a joke, not one investor on earth in anything says 8220let me pay my fair share.8221 I just don8217t understand what people can do with the second billion that they couldn8217t do with the first. If everyone is trying to pay as little as possible, and one group of people have unlimited resources to help them, who8217s really paying the greatest portion The richest of the rich are getting richer and richer and are so out of touch due to greed and power that someday our kid8217s kids will experience their own 8216French Revolution8217 if taxes aren8217t reformed. OHHH, just 822043 dollars a month82218230. I8217d be homeless if I had to spend that much more on taxes I8217ve worked my ass off all my life and I am struggling to survive living in San Francisco. Actually, I only WORK in SF. In reality I have to live in Oakland because you assholes have made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to live within an hour of my place of work. Assuming that I can afford anything more than my already month-to-month livelihood is moronic This is coming from a graduate of a masters program at one of your private institutions you speak of. Sorry my daddy didn8217t know any of you techies for me to earn a living wage out here8230. Wait, so I8217m an asshole because you can8217t live in San Francisco How does that work I8217ve paid over 100,000 in income taxes a YEAR that gets redistributed by the government to help society. I donate to my local SF library and volunteer for local community events. How much do you pay in taxes and what do you do I just spent 6 months putting together The Best of Financial Samurai eBook to help empower people to lead better financial lives. If you buy it, all proceeds after expenses gets donated to a charity that help keep Oakland youths off the streets and in the classroom. It8217s called Alive 038 Free. As an Oakland resident, maybe you8217d like to pitch in instead of blame others for your problems Here are some other posts you8217ll like: A Massive Generational Wealth Transfer Is Why Everybody Will Be OK 8211 But, I8217m thinking maybe not you Stocks or Real Estate: It Depends On How LUCKY You Are 8211 Are you someone who attributes other people8217s success to luck and your success to hard work If so, you8217ll love this post I am not sure that he is meaning strictly you but more aimed at the people who make comments similar to yours about how people just need to work more and move to higher income areas without taking into account that it isn8217t that simple. You may or may not have thought about the difficulty in doing such a thing even though it is good advice if someone can afford it. A large majority of jobs in places that don8217t have unions do not allow overtime forcing you to come in late or take long lunches to prevent you from getting it and even writing you up should you accrue more than an hour of it. This limits peoples possibilities to getting a second job which since most companies prevent you from working a second job in the same field can make things difficult. Combine that with the fact that most of these types of people are living paycheck to paycheck and unable to save up the money necessary for a move to a higher income area and working those area may actually cost them more in transportation expenses then what they are earning extra. This is part of the backlash that so many people with money receive because of comments that would be sound advice for someone not struggling just to get by. You hear it time and time again, work harder, work more, move to a better place, I did it why can8217t you, just go to college. The worst part is that if you compare payment between jobs a couple decades ago to jobs now the low income jobs, adjusted for inflation, pay roughly the same to within a dime or two while as you advance up the pay increases between the times steadily increase. I hear you. There is no easy solution, and everybody has a different set of circumstances to deal with. The one thing we can control is our effort. Never fail due to a lack of effort. Fail due to bad luck or circumstance, but go down fighting until the very end. Work on a side hustle, an X Factor from 4am-7am before work, and then from 8pm 8211 midnight after work. Don8217t stop trying. Life is reasonably comfortable in America (I8217m in Cambodia now where I just witnessed 4 year old kids walk miles to school in 98 degree heat after I asked the driver where they were going). The worst is REGRET for having never tried, and having never tried hard enough. Home Venture Group says I could not agree with you more. If you want it bad enough make a plan. Read more, find a mentor, work harder, side gig, find something that is scalable and GO FOR IT. The only limitations we have is in our mind. It8217s interesting how your perspective begins to change once you realize how much opportunity is out there. When I was getting through college I always considered a six figure salary as true wealth. The pinnacle of success. Once you start to grind through your career you begin to realize how many income opportunities there are. It just takes determination and diligence to realize your earning potential. Legally, i don8217t pay tax too and my earnings qualify me as the top 1 according to the article above. How Is that possible Step one 8211 give up your American citizenship and take up citizenship in countries where there is no capital gain tax. There are really nice places to live where capital gain tax is zero. Google and you8217ll find. Then set up a limited liability company to expense away all your taxable income. Engage in as many businesses or professions that generate wealth thru capital gain as you can. There are many different options to suit a wide variety of interests. You just need to do some homework That8217s it. You can be top 1 earner and legally not pay a single cent of income tax. I agree that everyone can earn the sum of money he needs or wants. But after reading a great book 8220The 8020 Principle8221 I made sure that one shouldn8217t work harder to earn more. Even more than 40 hours 8230 as noted. The main question is 8220how productive and efficient is your work8221. So we must try to answer that question and improve our daily life in all areas, including finance by following the Pareto Principle. Because I always prefer simplicity and productivity. This article is disingenuous. 8220Average8221 per capita income is an unreliable measure because it can be strongly skewed to the upside by people earning phenomenal incomes 8212 which is exactly what happens in the case of the US. Median income is a much better indication of how people are faring. By the article8217s own Income Tax figures, the median adjusted gross income was about 33K, a far cry from the 48K 8220average8221 income reported in the article. The article also conveniently forgets that there8217s a FICA tax as well that falls squarely on the shoulders of the bottom 80. Adding in the 15 Social Security and Medicare taxes, or even just the portion of it paid by employers, makes a complete sham of the 8220Average Effective Tax Rate8221 column in Individual Income Tax Table presented above. This article is misleading to the point of being dishonest. You make it sound like if you just work more you will suddenly get wealthy. I have news for you it isn8217t true. I was working three jobs, leaving the house at 7 a. m and not coming home until 11 p. m and was still only earning 24,000 per year. Granted some of that time was 8220wasted8221 on travel time between jobs, but I worked my tail off and got no where. While I watched the CEO8217s of the company waltz in and work 40 hour work weeks and get millions of dollars, doing far less actual work than I was. I decided to go to grad school, which is where I am currently but it isn8217t as simple as you make it sound. I believe Sam is unmarried and do not have kids, so working 60 hours a week doesn8217t seem like much. I know people who have families who work that hard, but that really strains the relationships. When my son was born, my work ethic changed. I spent less time at work, but tried to be more efficient. I also worked from home more frequently to offset the time I miss due to child rearing duties (my wife also works FT). The bottom line is that you should work enough to enjoy the things you value. P. S. I disagree that CEOs work 40 hrswk. Most of them work 10-12 hrsday, and they are 8220on-call8221 24 hoursday, 365 daysyr. However, even the worst ones will get a nice severance packagegolden parachute when they screw up and get fired by the board. A CEO is the only job where gross incompetence can be rewarded. Your whole arguments flawed, in my eyes, due to your understanding of what is 8216fair8217. Paying 20 of taxes for taking 20 isn8217t the way taxes do or should work. If that was the case we could privatise everything. The only reason they only take 20 is because they have enough money to support themselves. The reason one supports state intervention is because we realise that the system we grow up in inherently favours those born in richer areas and at birth no one is by any means given the same opportunities. regardless of how much you want to talk about rare bottom to the top success stories, the fact is that if you come from a poor area you are far far more likely to end up in a poor earning job than if your parents had the money to pay for a private education and bring you up in a wealthy area. Those are the kids that will end up in high paid jobs, and those that grew up in poor areas will, statistically, end up in a worse situation financially. You won8217t suddenly see a year of students in an extremely poor area graduate and move on to become bankers and lawyers, just as you won8217t suddenly see a year of privately educated students turn to crime and drug dealing to support themselves. These problems aren8217t to do with work ethic and motivation, and if they are it8217s a product of the environment that these children have grown up in. Was it anyone8217s fault that they were born where they were born Is it right for us to blame someone for having poor parents and just let them deal with that situation That8217s why we tax, because we recognise the unfairness of the situation 8211 to at least try and put people on an even playing field, because currently that is not the way things are. The bigger the wealth divide the more we pull apart society. Poverty equals crime. Fact. Privileged people who don8217t have to face that reality abhor the poor and the criminal with no thought as to the social causes for the situation. It creates a class war. That8217s why I think when you say 8216fair8217 I think your wrong. Contoh. if there are two people in front of you, one is a millionaire and the other struggles to pay rent and buy food. You are given 100,000 dollars to share between them, who would you give it to Equality would have us split the amount evenly, but could we perhaps recognise that that amount of money means far more to the poor person It means more in that it allows him the means to support himself to a decent standard. Food for him and his children, security of knowing his family will have somewhere to sleep or that he might put his children through college. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EQUALITY AND EQUITY . 8216If everyone was a millionaire no one would be rich8217. IF EVERYONE WERE A MILLIOAIRE WE WOULD HAVE ABOLISHED POVERTY It8217s appalling to me that someone could be comfortable spending millions on arbitrary material goods while there are people struggling to stay alive, and further for you to defend that right Cheeses Priced says 8220If things were fair, the top 1 would only have to pay 20 of total income taxes since 20 is their share of total income. Alas, the rich pay almost double what they owe.8221 I disagree and would say, as a tax professional, that this extremely deceptive for many reasons: The federal income tax isn8217t the only tax. Payroll taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, import taxes, gas taxes, cigarette taxes etc8230 Some Americans may not pay federal income tax but they still pay taxes. We have graduated (progressive) tax rates for annual income because people need each marginal dollar less. The standard deduction one personal exemption is 10,300 unsurprisingly, people need their 10,000th annual dollar earned far more than their 100,000th or millionth. Everyone in the American economy is interdependent, but you wouldn8217t know it looking at corporate salaries of the .1. A full year8217s work for my CEO is allegedly worth 400 years of work of the average accountant or analyst that actually creates a supports the product that brings in the money in the first place. It8217s easy to get tunnel vision about how you personally work hard and earn your salary, and easy to forget the higher you8217re promoted and the more you earn, the more you rely on the labor of other people to even have a job in the first place. The other overlooked aspect of the economy is aggregate demand. For the economy to work, it isn8217t just about doing skilled labor to earn a salary 8211 it8217s about spending money because aggregate demand is what actually creates our jobs. As you8217ve pointed out, the bottom 90 save on average 4 of their income while the top 1 save 38. The reality is that poor people are far better job creators than the rich because they actually put the money they make back into the economy. 0 interest rates, stock buybacks8230 we don8217t have a shortage of saved money in the U. S. We need more spending by those who have the money and the moral obligation to do so, and if they won8217t, you tax them. We do tax folks who don8217t spend all of their wealth through the Estate Tax of wealth over 5.4M per individual. When you talk about CEOs making 400 years worth of work, that is the top 0.1, not the top 1. Don8217t confuse the two, as so many people seem to do. C. Jeremy De Paz says Your article is purely statistical, you obviously didn8217t grow up 8220poor8221. There are lots of reasons why people in poverty stricken areas do not advance economically. For one the education they get is usually very poor. People often don8217t get the information and guidance they need to be successful. When you8217re poor, you8217ll most likely go to a shitty public school (second rate education), live in a crime-stricken neighborhood, and you8217ll have have very few opportunities to get involved with cool programs that require money. If you8217re informed enough to know about and how to apply scholarships, you8217ll apply for those, but it8217ll already be an uphill battle for you because your education sucks and there are plenty of students from upper and middle class families applying for these scholarships too. Of course those students have a better education then you, and probably know more people who have been successful, so they8217re better suited to win these scholarships. The list goes on and on. Income inequality is not a product of people not wanting to work hard. It8217s a product of our society. I encourage you to visit a school in a poverty stricken area. See the culture, and how keeping crime out of some schools becomes a bigger focus than the education a lot of times. Have a read of this post: If the top 20 pay 84 of the federal tax that would leave only 16 of the federal tax paid by the remaining 80. Questions are, how much of the federal tax is consumed by the states to fund state and local programs Does the bottom 80 actually pay a federal tax at all if the states are consuming 16 or more of federal taxes More likely the states consume more than 16. That would mean the bottom 80 do not fund federal programs at all. Do we, bottom 80, believe we are entitled to something in which we don8217t pay for Or are we being greedy to live off the top 20 when they are paying to have our freedom protected I find it insulting to have someone tell me I don8217t pay or give enough to them when I already feed and protect them. If you want to really know you are paying an actual federal tax then 2 things you need to do. 1) Are you in the top 20 2) How much do the states consume from federal taxes to pay for its own state and city programs Problem8230 We have SO many that don8217t have the skills to do some of the jobs they are in, or just do as little work possible, and others who do the lion8217s share of the work. How do we figure out who gets paid what when some are simply lazy Who decides what medical care is 8220necessary8221, what are 8220acceptable side effects 8221 amp who is allowed to have what medical services in a socialist society Can Bernie Sanders or one of his followers tell us more details about his plan Who decides what will be covered under this medical plan What other services will be afforded to young people with babies Children Older parents that may need some help in their homes What happens should rich people leave the country What will we do with huge homes Cracker box homes How will people learn self-responsibility What do we do about abusive hierarchy in the workplace in infrastructure jobs Where will these new jobs come from without these people having a place to work What about underserved medical areas with not enough doctors in needed specialties What do we do with older Americans that can work, would like to work, yet can only work part-time How does he expect to ge t his plans through Congress What is to stop subsequent Presidents, governors, county amp city council persons from getting power hungry and turning this country into another dictatorship 8211 at the federal ampor state ampor local levels Who divides up land for people to live on How will this be implemented in terms of housing What happens when people want to live in nicer, more temperate areas vs. Deserts and colder areas Will this not stress the environment All this high and mighty 8220look at me I8217m somebody8221 capitalism will be going out the window in a few years as efficiency approaches the point where we have business owners, and a few engineer and service jobs. Leaving 90 of the population at the point where they have to make the decision between killing the rich to eat or dying. A cruel heartless world can get pretty cruel when it has to. If there8217s no help for the disadvantaged or down on their luck, they will survive using other means. Im in the top 10 of wage earners, yet I refuse to work more than 40 hours a week. I don8217t have to. I focus on quality instead of quantity. Im highly skilled and well educated. I work smarter, not harder. Im doing my part and not twiddling my thumbs. I dont expect to retire early and have no wish to. Id be bored out of my skull. Incidentally, it helps tremendously to love what you do for a living. On the other hand, in a married household with two young children and both adults working full-time jobs, its all about balancing work and home. I understand the belief that working more hours gets a hard worker the keys to the kingdom (whatever that is). But Ive learned thats a delusion, a myth. Too many people work like dogs their entire lives, and at the end of it have nothing to show for that hard work. If more money makes you happier, gives you better well-being, then great go for it. But its not true for everyone, its not a guarantee, and it certainly wasnt true for me. Ive no desire to climb the corporate ladder or play the competition game or work myself to death in the (often vain) attempt to retire early. Its exhausting and nowhere near as fulling as the time I spend with my family. Thats my choice. Thats my happy. Theres too much emphasis here on money being the savior of all things, that money equals morality, and the implication that more money is never ENOUGH money. Its a little disturbing. Thanking the rich for paying more Thats disturbing. Have you ever tried to live on less than 30,000 a year Thats tough. Less than 23,283 (the poverty line for a family of four) Thats almost impossible. Yet you think they should contribute MORE in taxes The people who pay more in taxes are the people who can AFFORD it who can actually live and still prosper while paying more. The utter ignorance here is astounding. Excellent job pretending that FICA does not exist. From what I8217ve learned and watched in my classes, the rich are highly unlikely to want to pay more for employees. In fact, in order to make more money, they8217d try to hire fewer workers 8211 give them a slightly higher wage 8211 and make them work more. So sure, they pay 8220more8221, but in the end, other people end up losing jobs or making sacrifices. I feel like this biased article is stating 8220equality8221 for the wrong group of people. Making 8220charities8221 Like what Many big corporation leaders spend a portion of their money lobbying for laws that would benefit THEIR companies, not for the people, so they can keep making more money. And at what cost Killing the environment and the lower-income. I8217m sorry, but this article is utterly delusional and disingenuous. It almost seems like it was taken off a Wall Street Journal editorial by some right-wing corporatist hack (no offense). First off, I would argue there8217s a HUGE difference between the 1 (doctor) and the 0.1 (hedge fund manager). The doctor probably ends up paying between 30-40 effective tax rate because all of hisher income is earned (through labor). In addition, the doctor actually contributes to society. Whereas the hedge fund manager has long-term capital gains taxed at 15 or lower (like Mitt8217s multi-million dollar Roth IRA). And what exactly do they do, aside from moving big numbers around from one account to another on a computer screen With the recent Panama Papers scandal, the obviousness of big companies and rich elites not paying their taxes was made clearly evident for all to see. Ironically, you can rightly argue the richest are NOT paying their fair share of taxes. Second, in a society and government which provided the infrastructure, security, and means to become successful, it8217s completely reasonable to expect the highest earners to contribute back to society in the form of higher taxes. Why should a company be able to undergo corporate inversions and restructuring in order to avoid paying US taxes, when the company, for all intents and purposes, was created and flourished in the US Talk about unfair. Speaking of paying taxes, what about the regressive tax structure we currently have in place that phases out social security tax after 100k or so (I don8217t remember the exact number at the moment) The poor and middle class are on the hook for this, and so much more. I would argue that until the bottom 50 have access to free health care, education, child care etc. that makes it possible for them to rise from poverty and become successful, they should be exempt from taxes. There8217s 168 hours in a week you do not need exactly 8hrs of sleep per night 6-8 hrs is suffcient, some people need more some need less. Anyways that gives you roughly 120hrs you can be working8230and for anyone who wants to only work 40 don8217t complain when i8217m under 30 driving a maserati, owning two business with a vacation home and retired before 40 and 100 debt free and making 6 figures doing nothing because i chose to hustle my ass off and build not one, but two business and invest in myself. You need to find a demand for something, and supply it8230 You are either helping someone else follow their dreams or working on following your own. 9-5:30 are bankers hours. In order to get ahead you have to be above average and do more then the average person8230 Thanks for sharing your thoughts Banker hours are more like 9am 8211 midnight actually, but who8217s counting. I used to get in at 5:30am and leave at 8pm all the time. Killed me. Got fat. Got sick more often. But it helped me break free at 34 due to aggressive savings and good income. Back in shape. The problem with this idea is the false notion that starting your own business is the only way to survive in an American economy. Owning a business is fantastic, so long as your business is not overburdened by BS regulations and taxes, so much so that operating a business is choked financially. Even so, there8217s also nothing wrong with manufacturing workers being satisfied with fair wages LIVING wages. Unfortunately that is something of an American past-time. Apparently the communist mentality infecting our nation is work is considered a devalue, but yet highly valued by share holders, corporate managers, and CEO8217s. If you are a worker, even with a Master8217s Degree, then you are not entitled to the 8220good life8221. This fits pretty close to Marxism where only business owners, Wall Street crooks, and lazy Zionists are entitled to a good life. There8217s an interesting article in the New York Times today on how 8220Top 18221 income varies by a factor of 10x depending on where you live8230 To be in the top 1 of incomes nationally, you need to take in a minimum of 389,436. In New York (Manhattan), you need to be making 1,425,000 annually to be in the top 1. People making 389,000 in New York are only in the top 10 for their region An extra 5 tax on the bottom 50 of wage earners, by your own numbers, would produce about 54 billion in taxes. An extra 5 tax on the top 50 of wage earners would more than eliminate the deficit. (And yes, I would be included in that, I8217m somewhere in the top 10 by your numbers.) In order for the bottom 50 to pay an addtional 5, they would need to sacrifice food and housing two weeks a year, since pretty much all of their income goes to those necessities. In order for the top 1 to pay an additional 5 a year, they wouldn8217t notice the difference. And many in the bottom 50 are already working multiple jobs, much longer than 40 hours a week in order just stay where they are. 80 hours a week at minimum wage is still in the bottom 50, again by your numbers. And of course, working that sort of schedule leaves you to tired to do much to improve your life. To say nothing of child care costs, eating out more because you don8217t have time to cook, etc. To borrow a phrase: Why do you tax the rich Because that8217s where the money is. I would agree. Everyone should have skin in the game, but expecting to erase the deficit on the backs of the poor seems pretty callous to me. Poor and working class people already pay taxes well and above the federal income tax: State taxes, property taxes, licensing fees, sales taxes, gas tax, etc8230. This includes those who pay NO federal income tax at all. While it is true that the top 10 of income earners pay over 69 of all taxes, the top 10 by wealth also control over 71 of total US wealth. So while income and wealth don8217t always correlate, the burden on the top is probably about right and should probably be even higher on the ultra-rich 8211 those with incomes over 5MM per annum. A second option is to concentrate at getting better at what you do so you can command more money per hour and work less. I have a small painting business primarily residential repaints. I worked hard at it and worked long hours for many years. I never felt I was getting ahead even though I did have a good life I just seemed to miss too much of it while I worked. I set a goal to earn the same relative amount while working far fewer hours (20 hours per week) I set about doing this by concentrating at being better and faster, raising my rates, and increasing the number of bid opportunities so I could be more picky about the jobs I took. It took me seven years but three years ago I met my goal. I work around 1000 hours per year and have an income that allows me to own two reliable vehicles a 3 bedroom one and a half bath house on 8 acres and the time to enjoy it. Hi everyone. I have a big issues with those who complain about their financial position. I8217m 29yrs old and a Financial Planning Director at a fortune 500 firm. My wife and I are in the top 10 of wage earners in this beautiful country and I was NOT handed my success. People in my generation seem to have forgot what this country allows us. Freedom and democracy (yes, more of a republic) allow you the privilege to work and fight for your dreams. Too often people think they should be handed a certain lifestyle as it8217s their right. After putting myself through community college, while working 40hrs a week, it became clear that I needed a 4yr degree to achieve the lifestyle I wanted. I didn8217t complain about the cost. I went out and obtained a student loan to cover only the cost of tuition and books. It8217s paid off now. Only had to take out around 20K. I roomed with a few other guys to save money, had two jobs totaling around 53hrs per week (I was making over 3K per month in college), took more classes per semester than the average (night classes mostly), was involved in intramural sports, was apart of a fraternity, and was dating my now wife the whole time. More importantly, went I started all of this there was a month when I had 1.87 in my checking account and 0 in my savings. My only credit card was maxed out and I was dead broke. Instead of giving up or reaching out for a hand out I put my head down and obtained that second job. I didn8217t have time to drink, smoke, watch TV, or spending money all of the crap most of us think are fixed expenses. Wake up people. Stop complaining and work for what you want. If you don8217t want a big house, early retirement, kids, traveling money, or nice cars then don8217t work hard. You get out what you put in. It8217s that simple. On what planet do Uber drivers make 36hour That8217s8230 way off. In my opinion, it is reasonable for rich people to pay more tax because they use more resources than poor people. Moreover, rich people can make money easily with stocks, capitals. Generally, working more than 40 hours per week is not a good way to become rich. The first step is to have a good financial plan, so one can have an egg in his hand. Then he can hatch this egg and wait patiently for a few hens. Lamse Horton says Some very awkward statements are being made here: 8220A poor guy can go make 30hr. with Uber8221 8211 he cannot even buy gas to get to a bus station also, I would very much like to be able to pay at the 23.27 tax rate of the average top 1 of earners. It would leave me 291,845 on which to make ends meet. Yet the lower 50 of earners only have less than 33,048 before taxes. If in the higher earners (those 25 averaging 67,280) paying 15.68 average, there was a doubling of taxes, their after tax amount would still be 46,180 or over 13,000 more than the gross of those at the 50 level. It is not the 1 that need to pay more but those 50 or below should be returned double the current withholding amount to encourage more working wage earners. Give us more information on the top 110 of earners (those 140,000 earners, or 10 of the top of the 1): How much do they earn What would be the potential tax reduction for the balance of earners if they paid 50 over 500,000 in earnings stepped up to 75 for those earning over 100,000,000 Since we are being told all this other historic information, educate everyone on the potential changes a few various scenarios could give and show that this would eliminate the US national debt. Using knowledge attached to computers could help everyone be more understanding and more unified. I graphed the income distribution data for 1967, which is within the range from 1960-67 in which we had the most balanced economy in terms of not having swung overly far toward a government induced equality. Yet it was still within the years with relatively high equality, that is, not nearly the extreme inequality we have currently. 1967 was the first year for which I could find solid data for the 1960-67 range. I also graphed the data for 2012, a year in which inequality was fairly extreme. Both sets of data were graphed on the same chart and the income represented logarithmically so that we could get salaries ranging from 1,000yr to a millionyr on the vertical scale. The horizontal scale represents percentile linearly from 0 to 100 so you can see exactly how the income distributes across the total population. The 1967 graph was significantly kinder to the lower 20 of the population than the 2012, despite being in the days before there was much reduction in the earlier intense economic and educational repression of minorities, including repression of opportunities even for well qualified minorities. I then assumed that equality is not a natural goal. We all have different levels of both ability and motivation to earn. So for me, the famed Gini Index is based on perfect equality as an ideal. In my view, this is fundamentally unnatural and therefore fundamentally misinformed. This and the assumption of zero-sum game economics is the mistake of the far left as well as Marxist thinking in many respects, although they are usually not quite the same thing. The graphs of 1967 and 2012 were both similar to the way a normal distribution would look in this graphic format, with income represented logarithmically. Both these sets of real data look essentially linear as plotted on the vertical logarithmic income scale versus horizontally linear percentiles between the 30th and 70th percentile. In this format, that translates to a straight line that multiplies income by the same factor for the same distance we move horizontally anywhere along the line representing an increasing percentage of the population with less income. So I decided to postulate an ideal distribution that was similar, but with a slope that was as much less steep than the 1967 graph as that graph was to the 2012 graph. Put another way, I hypothesized an ideal situation in which the distribution would be as much better than the 1967 as 2012 was worse. Just like a normal distribution of IQ or the length of our noses, I hypothesized that the combination of ability and motivation to earn in a homogeneous population that had no repressed minorities would also be normally distributed. I therefore made the slope of the linear section lower than 1967 by the same amount the 2012 was higher with the income distribution perfectly normal under this condition and in this format. This ideal consequently represented a true normal distribution instead of approximately normal as in the real data. All the data were modified in a manner that reproduced exactly the same distributions as the original data, but which assumed equal total income for equal populations. This is the only way to compare apples to apples. It was amazing how much better off the lower 50 in the ideal distribution was while the upper 20 hardly sacrificed a thing. There was even an inflection point at the 70th percentile at which all three graphs were at the same income. Nevertheless, the very bottom still had people who were earning less than would be necessary to live on. I assumed that this will always be so, just as there are always people with very short noses or very low IQs. We need to do something about that if we8217re going to be a gentle, compassionate society without our heads stuffed way up somewhere very unrealistic. Then I looked into the question of how much the top 30 would have to sacrifice to allow the lowest 30 to live in minimal but adequate comfort. These populations are outside the middle linear section on all three graphs This also made no assumptions about how to implement the distribution no assumptions about government or any other kind of involvement. I merely looked at income distribution with no tax assumptions or any kind of specific safety nets. The question was simply how much raw, untaxed income would the top 30 have to sacrifice to create livable conditions for all in the lowest 30. On the hypothetical ideal distribution I found that only about 7 of the average income from the top 30 would provide a 24 boost in the average income of the lowest 30. Of course, in practice it would be more sensible for these average results to be progressively distributed on both ends. Now if you8217re going from around 25Kyr to over 31Kyr, that makes a huge difference in your potential quality of life, assuming you8217re not addicted to alcohol, gambling, crack, or heroin. The difference is still greater for the extremely low incomes assuming a graduated relief scheme. If you8217re going from 100Kyr to 93Kyr, that has enormously less impact on your quality of life. This is even morally justifiable in that those on the high end of the income distribution typically use a lot more public infrastructure than those on the low end. It is only right that they pay for it accordingly. I found this to be a very interesting and informative Gedankenexperiment (i. e. thought experiment, a term first made famous by Einstein, who used Gedankenexperimenten to develop his theories of relativity, not that what I8217ve done is anything comparable in case there is anyone silly enough find the motivation to assume I think so). I have two problems with an otherwise informative article. The author declares that people shouldn8217t have so many children yet conservatives scream about providing birth control or abortions for those with low incomes. The author also states that to move up in income, the poor can simply work more hours in their regular or a part-time job, yet again, conservatives scream about the poor not spending time with their children and their lack of parenting skills. I also don8217t see the moneyed class helping to provide decent child care so the poor can improve the job status. This article simply shows the hypocrisy of the wealthy and conservatives in our society and provides an alibi for their 8220I8217ve got mine and to hell with the rest of you8221 philosophy. Don8217t give up I8217m the author of this article and here are some articles that can help you forge forward: How To Make Six Figures At Almost Any Age I don8217t mind getting torn up in the comments as I realize a lot of people are frustrated and angry about something. The comment section helps alleviate that stress. But at the end of the day, it8217s YOUR LIFE you8217ve got to take control over. After the venting is done, take action to change it if you are not happy.
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