Thursday, 17 August 2017

Hp filter moving average

Sistem Seri VLT Terproteksi Terlarut (DAF) Terapung Air Terapung banyak digunakan untuk memisahkan padatan, lemak, minyak, dan lemak dari aliran limbah. Dalam prosesnya, air bertekanan jenuh dengan udara terlarut dan dibuang ke dalam bejana flotasi. Gelembung udara mikroskopik menempel padatan dan mengapung ke permukaan, membentuk selimut lumpur. Sebuah rakitan gesekan menyemprotkan lumpur dari permukaan air dan masuk ke dalam bah. Dari bah, lumpur dipompa ke peralatan pengeringan. Air yang diolah mengalir dari bejana DAF untuk dibuang atau ke proses pengobatan lainnya. Klik gambar di sebelah kanan untuk melihat video dari VLT-Series Dissolved Air Flotation system yang sedang beroperasi. Request a Quote Download Brosur Mengapa saya harus memilih VLT-Series DAF Sistem DAF VLT-Series dirancang untuk mengatasi inefisiensi yang umum terjadi pada desain sistem lainnya. Kami memasukkan sel flotasi berbentuk V dengan lumpur lumpur sehingga padatan apapun yang menahan flotasi dapat dikeluarkan secara otomatis dari dasar kapal. Rakitan skimmer terbuat dari bahan yang tidak bersisik, busuk, atau korosi. Rakitan bendung dan scraper yang dapat diatur memastikan bahwa tidak pernah ada zona mati atau terbengkalai di zona skimming lumpur. Dengan penambahan Tabung Lamella baru, area permukaan efektif DAF telah meningkat secara substansial, menggandakan laju alir untuk tapak kecil, dengan air limbah yang lebih jelas. Akibatnya, VLT-Series dapat mencapai hingga 99 pemindahan TSS, FOG dan 75 BOD. Sistem Flotasi Air terlarut dipasangkan dengan baik dengan tabung flokulasi, tangki reaksi kimia, dan sistem umpan kimia. IndustriAplikasi sangat sesuai untuk unit flotasi udara terlarut Bagaimana sistem flotasi udara terlarut (DAF) bekerja Lingkaran resirkulasi air bertekanan jenuh dengan udara terlarut dengan menggunakan pompa impeler multistage. Produk dari proses ini sekarang disebut arung. Arang kemudian dibuang ke pipa influen dan bejana DAF. Gelembung udara mikroskopis melekatkan diri pada partikel lumpur flokulasi yang menyebabkannya naik ke permukaan untuk membentuk selimut lumpur. Saat selimut lumpur mengental, mekanisme scrapper memindahkan sludge ke kompartemen lumpur DAF. Dari sana, lumpur dipompa ke tangki penampung lumpur luar dan akhirnya sampai peralatan pengeringan. Sistem Pelepasan Terobosan Udara Ecologix VLT-Series sangat efisien dalam menghilangkan kontaminan dari air limbah. Mereka mencapai hasil yang superior pada aliran yang lebih tinggi dan beban kontaminan daripada yang dapat dicapai dengan sistem pemisahan gravitasi konvensional lainnya. Desain berbentuk V revolusioner kami yang dikombinasikan dengan Lamella Tubes (Tabung Tebal) menghapus hingga 99 TSSFOG dan sampai 75 muatan BOD. Desain eksklusif kami menghasilkan rasio udara-ke-padat yang tak tertandingi dan mengklarifikasi air tercemar dengan kinerja yang tak tertandingi. DAF - Jejak terkecil dengan kinerja terbaik DAF - Tapak terkecil dengan kinerja terbaik Spesifikasi Sistem Flotasi Air Terlarut Download Spesifikasi Ecologix Environmental Systems, LLC harus menyediakan sistem VLT Series Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) yang harus mencakup influent, effluent, dan drain Sambungan, tangki pengapungan, ruang kontak, sistem pembuangan pelampung, sistem pengembalian padat padat, tabung lamella, sistem resirkulasi lengkap termasuk pompa arung, tangki jenuh yang diikuti oleh bendung sekunder untuk pemisahan gelembung halus dari gelembung besar dari gelembung kecil dan panel kontrol berbasis PLC lokal. . Seperti yang dijelaskan lebih spesifik di bawah ini: a) Air Limbah yang Mempengaruhi: Influen diinduksi dengan kimia untuk memicu padatan tersuspensi, minyak lemak lemak dan kotoran lainnya dari air sebelum pemisahan fisik dengan flotasi udara terlarut. DAF harus memasukkan salah satu metodologi berikut untuk menyuntikkan dan mencampur bahan kimia: Tabung Flokulasi: DAF harus memasukkan tabung flokulasi yang dibuat dari PVC Schedule 80 dengan port injeksi untuk koagulan, penyesuaian pH dan polimer, bersama dengan mixer statis. Air limbah harus memasukkan tabung flokulasi melalui konektor flensa dan keluar ke tangki kontak melalui konektor flensa lain di header. Tangki Reaksi Kimia: Untuk kontrol yang lebih besar terhadap pengendapan kotoran, tangki reaksi kimia dianjurkan. Tangki reaksi harus memasang mixer dengan VFD (Variable Frequency Drives) dan sarana untuk menerima kimia dari berbagai pompa umpan kimia ke dalam tangki. Tangki reaksi harus ditempatkan sebelum DAF. Air limbah influent pertama-tama harus melewati tangki reaksi dan kemudian masuk ke ruang kontak melalui konektor flens pada header. B) Ruang Kontak: Air limbah influent harus masuk ke unit DAF melalui sok influen yang berubah ke ruang kontak. Bersamaan dengan itu, arus daur ulang (arung air) harus dicampur dengan air limbah influen melalui pipa tangensial yang terhubung ke sundulan, menciptakan vortex. Efek vortex menghasilkan 100 kontak antara gelembung udara di air suling dan air influen yang kotor. Saat air memasuki ruang kontak, pertama-tama harus bertemu dengan bendung internal yang bertindak sebagai pemisah gelembung kasar sekunder yang memberikan distribusi dan pencampuran aliran proses melintasi lebar unit, tanpa turbulensi. Ruang kontak memiliki port pembuangan untuk menghilangkan padatan padat yang mungkin menempel di bilik. C) Tangki Flotasi: Unit ini terdiri dari tangki flotasi persegi panjang yang terbuat dari pelat baja stainless 304 yang diperkuat dengan struktur struktural dinding baja struktural 304 stainless steel. Kapal harus didukung pada dasar stainless steel yang terdiri dari balok vertikal dan horizontal melintasi lebar dan panjang unit. Kapal harus dibangun agar mudah dibersihkan di sekitar dan di bawah unit. Unit harus dirancang untuk penentuan posisi di atas pada pad beton atau rangka baja yang sesuai dan harus dibangun untuk kondisi di dalam atau di luar ruangan. D) Tabung Lamella di Kamar Flotasi: Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan menjaga tapak yang lebih kecil, Kamar Flotasi diisi dengan Lamella Tubes, yang fungsinya untuk meningkatkan luas permukaan yang diproyeksikan dan meningkatkan efisiensi pemisahan padatan dari air jernih. Tabung Lamella harus dibuat dari bahan Polipropilena dengan kemiringan melengkung ke arah arus air co-current. Tabung lamella harus memiliki bentuk chevron untuk mencegah penyumbatan dan jarak 2rdquo di antara masing-masing lamella. E) Sistem Pelepasan Terapung: Unit harus dilengkapi dengan skimmer rantai dan penerbangan untuk melepaskan pelampung atas, didorong oleh VFD kecepatan rendah (Variable Frequency Drive), peredam gigi dengan unit motor. Bahan pelampung harus dilepaskan dengan arah arus searah. Desain ini melibatkan penggerak float bed pada permukaan sepanjang unit ke kompartemen terpisah ke arah aliran dan memungkinkan waktu tinggal mengambang lebih lama sebelum pemindahan, yang menghasilkan bahan pelampung yang lebih kering. Sistem skimmer atas terdiri dari rantai nilon kaca non-logam yang diperkuat dengan beban kerja maksimum yang direkomendasikan sebesar 1.740 lbs. Atau rata-rata kekuatan tertinggi 2800 lbs. Dalam rantai roller pitch ganda. Pisau skimmer berjarak kira-kira setiap 6 ft sepanjang panjang rantai. Sistem rantai beroperasi pada tugas tunggal, non-logam UHMW sprockets dipasang pada poros stainless steel yang mendukung bantalan yang dapat disesuaikan. Sistem ini digerakkan oleh gear drive dengan TEFC yang digabungkan ke poros penggerak tombol. Kecepatan penggerak harus dikontrol oleh VFD (di panel kontrol) yang harus dilengkapi dengan monitor daya poros untuk melindungi peralatan jika terjadi kelebihan beban. Kontrol timer yang disesuaikan atau kontrol PLC (pada panel kontrol opsional) menyediakan operasi skimmer intermiten yang memungkinkan fleksibilitas dalam menghilangkan material pelampung dari unit. Pada ujung efluen, skimmer menarik bahan permukaan yang terkumpul (float) ke atas sebuah lempeng pantai yang miring dan masuk ke dalam hopper float internal. Pantai melandai untuk memungkinkan pengangkatan bahan pelampung yang efisien oleh wiper skimmer. Hopper float internal berukuran untuk memungkinkan penyimpanan antara material sebelum dilepaskan melalui pipa flens untuk dipompa ke penyimpanan untuk pengeringan atau pengangkutan. F) Sistem Pelepasan Padat yang Diselesaikan: Saluran dinding samping melengkung sepanjang panjang harus mengkonsentrasikan bahan yang sesuai ke palung di bagian bawah tangki untuk dilepas dengan sistem auger yang menarik bahan ke arah ujung influen unit (arus balik). Desain kontra-arus menghilangkan bahan yang telah diselesaikan dengan cepat dari unit di ujung yang berlawanan dari debit air yang diolah. Bahannya dilepaskan melalui pipa flensa yang terletak di ujung influen unit base. Sistem auger terdiri dari diameter 4rdquo atau 6quot, dengan pitch 4rdquo atau 6rdquo. The 304 stainless steel auger harus terletak di bagian bawah dinding sisi berbentuk V. The auger harus memperpanjang 95 sampai 100 dari panjang penuh DAF. Sistem harus digerakkan oleh unit penggerak roda gigi tugas berat yang terhubung ke motor 0,33HP460VTEFC dengan kopling geser untuk perlindungan berlebih. Kontrol timer yang dapat disesuaikan (pada panel kontrol opsional) menyediakan operasi pengumpan intermiten yang memungkinkan fleksibilitas dalam menghilangkan material bawah dari unit. G) Pelepasan Limbah: Pada saat buang air bersih harus mengalir di bawah kompartemen lumpur, lebih dari beberapa weir dan masuk ke dalam kompartemen sumur yang jelas dari mana harus dibuang melalui pipa yang bergelang. Sistem ini harus memiliki dua buah bendung di sisi yang berlawanan dari DAF untuk mempromosikan aliran simetris ke seluruh unit. H) Sistem Resirkulasi (Whitewater): Sistem resirkulasi dirancang untuk memenuhi tekanan, aliran efluen yang diklarifikasi dengan udara untuk menciptakan larutan udara terlarut atau air suling. Ketika aliran arang dimasukkan ke dalam ruang kontak unit DAF, gelembung halus, mikro dan nano dilepaskan untuk menempelkan diri pada padatan tersuspensi yang bergosip, menyebabkannya naik ke permukaan air di dalam tangki flotasi untuk Pemindahan lebih lanjut sebagai lumpur. Klarifikasi limbah cair dari buangan limbah didaur ulang melalui unit oleh pompa DAF sentrifugal yang dirancang untuk beroperasi pada tekanan di kisaran 80-120 psi. Pompa ini memiliki casing stainless steel 316 dan impeller, poros stainless steel, dan motor efisiensi premium 460 V3 ph60 HzTEFC. Udara disuplai ke aliran daur ulang melalui port isap pada asupan pompa arit, yang digambar di udara ambien atau kompresi dan memaksanya masuk ke larutan dengan aliran daur ulang di bawah tekanan dari pompa. Aliran udara ke dalam pompa diatur oleh rotameter udara dengan katup jarum. Semua pipa resirkulasi plastik adalah Sch. 80 PVC. Aliran daur ulang diarahkan melalui Tangki Saturasi yang memberikan waktu retensi hidrolik tambahan di bawah tekanan dan memungkinkan pemisahan dan pemindahan gelembung udara yang besar dan tidak terlarut. Tangki Saturasi adalah bagian vertikal pipa baja tahan karat pada sistem perpipaan daur ulang yang dilengkapi katup bawah untuk pengeringan dan servis. Tingkat cairan di Tangki Saturasi harus dipelihara secara otomatis oleh katup pelepasan udara dengan equalizer in-line. Tekanan pelepasan dari pompa daur ulang dan Tangki Saturasi harus disalurkan melalui pipa tangensial dan ke dalam pipa influen sehingga menimbulkan efek vortex untuk memaksimalkan kontak gelembung udara dengan padatan tersuspensi masuk sebelum memasuki ruang kontak. Ruang pemisahan gelembung sekunder harus diposisikan segera setelah pipa influen dan sebelum ruang kontak untuk pemisahan gelembung besar lebih lanjut, untuk memastikan konsistensi maksimum ukuran gelembung udara kecil dan untuk menghilangkan kemungkinan turbulensi di dalam ruang kontak. Sistem injeksi air seni setengah tangki harus diberikan secara opsional bila panjang DAF melebihi dimensi tertentu dan bila padatan tersuspensi berada di atas kisaran tertentu. Alat pengukur tekanan yang diisi cairan disediakan untuk memantau kinerja tekanan daur ulang. I) Panel Kontrol: Kontrol harus ditempatkan minimal di tempat NEMA 412 kecuali kondisi lingkungan, seperti penempatan di luar ruangan atau bukti ledakan memerlukan sebaliknya. DAF adalah PLC yang dikendalikan dengan antarmuka layar sentuh berwarna termasuk grafik, teks, dan kemampuan operator untuk mengubah parameter yang dibutuhkan agar maksimal secara efisien. Panel kontrol harus dirancang untuk melindungi semua peralatan lapangan dan memungkinkan isolasi listrik peralatan individual. Panel kontrol harus mencakup kemampuan untuk secara otomatis mengirimkan alarm ke petugas yang dibutuhkan seperti perawatan. Ini juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengirimkan laporan kepada personil yang dibutuhkan seperti produksi atau manajemen. PLC harus memiliki kemampuan untuk secara bersamaan berkomunikasi dengan sistem SCADA pelanggan, terlepas dari jenis dan protokol standar yang dapat digunakan oleh klien. J) Cat dan Pelapis: Semua motor, pompa, drive, instrumen, panel kontrol, dan katup dikapalkan dengan pelapis standar pabrik. Filter Air, Pengolahan Air, Penyimpanan Air, Wadah Air, Pelestarian Air Penyuling Air Non-Elektrik Bar Air Sederhana Pompa Air Pompa SuperTankers 250 amp 125 Gallon Storage Klik di atas dan pastikan untuk mengaktifkan suara Anda untuk quotUncle Richardquot pada Water Filters. Sekarang Sehat, Bersihkan Air Minum Segar di Anywhere untuk Orang Penn a Day Nikmati di Rumah, Berkemah, Hiking, Traveling, Keadaan Darurat Berkode Inggris Berk Berkilau Perdagangan ringan Katadyn Drip, Filter Ekspres Pocket Amp quotHaving pasokan air bersih yang cukup banyak Prioritas dalam keadaan darurat. Anda harus memiliki air yang dikemas dan siap seandainya tidak ada waktu untuk mengisi botol air saat terjadi bencana. Kutipan - Palang Merah Air Air di mana-mana tapi bukan minuman yang aman diminum kecuali Anda Memiliki Filter Air yang Baik Katadyn Water Filters Salah satu dari Nama yang paling terpercaya dalam penyaringan air Untuk penghilangan bakteri dan parasit 1. Katadyn Mini Filter - Order 22372 Price 109.95 samph. Filter ini memiliki performa tinggi yang sama dengan Pocket Filter dengan keunggulan yang jauh lebih kompak dan ringan. Ideal untuk traveling atau backpacking. Elemen: Keramik, Ukuran Pori: 0,2 mikron, Berat: 8 oz. Output: 12 QuartMinute. Filter Penggantian: Pesanan 22373 49,95 masing-masing. 2. Katadyn Pocket Filter - Order 22350 Harga 349.95 samph. Filter mini yang paling irit di pasaran saat ini. Elemen filter keramik bisa mengolah sampai 13.000 galon air sebelum perlu diganti. Dengan perawatan yang tepat, Pocket Filter harus bertahan bertahun-tahun. Ini sangat kompak (sekitar ukuran flashlilght sel 2 - D), mudah dioperasikan amp bersih, dan mengubah air keruh, terkontaminasi secara biologis menjadi air minum yang aman. Filter Pocket memiliki selang hisap 20quot yang dilengkapi dengan saringan intake untuk menghilangkan kotoran kasar. Muncul lengkap dengan sikat pembersih dan petunjuk yang sesuai dengan rapi di dalam tas berritsleting dan lembut. (Tidak menghilangkan bahan kimia dan rasa tidak enak) Penggantian filter Pesan 22355 199.95 masing-masing samph. Klik disini untuk memesan Katadyn Pocket Filter On Line 3. Katadyn Combi Filter. Satu-satunya filter air luar portabel yang bisa dikonversi untuk keperluan darurat RV, darurat, atau sementara, dengan opsional Indoor Faucet Attachment Order 22374 Price 199.95 samph. Katadyns yang telah terbukti 0,2 mikron krim filter telah dikombinasikan dengan filter karbon aktif, menciptakan sebuah sistem yang menghilangkan tidak hanya bakteri dan micoorganisms, tapi juga bahan kimia berbahaya yang rasanya paling tidak enak. Sebuah instalasi pengolahan air yang berkinerja tinggi dan mudah digunakan yang bisa dibawa kemanapun. Kapasitas hingga 13.000 galon dengan elemen keramik diresapi perak yang dapat diresapi. Bidang bersih. Katadyn Combi Kesiapsiagaan Kesiapsiagaan Siaga Terkemuka Filter Air di Amerika Beradaptasi dengan situasi darurat yang paling banyak. Klik pada video singkat untuk melihat Combi beraksi. Opsional Indoor Faucet Attachment 22377 54.95 samph. Ganti Keramik Filter Order 22375 99.95 samph Carbon 2-Pack (22376) 9,95 samph. (Anda akan menggunakan lebih dari ini agar memesan lebih banyak) Klik disini untuk memesan Katadyn Combi Filter On Line 4. Katadyn KFT Expedition Filter - Order 22360 Price 1495.00 samph. Menampilkan teknologi luar biasa yang sama seperti filter Pocket, namun dengan laju alir hingga 1 galon per menit, untuk kelompok yang lebih besar. Portable, mandiri, dengan pompa piston built-in. Krom berlapis kuningan perumahan dengan stand thats pijakan kaki agar mudah dioperasikan. Selang asupan sepanjang 78 inci (2 meter) kasar, namun cukup fleksibel untuk mudah jatuh ke sungai atau kolam terdekat. KFT berguna untuk perjalanan saat dikemas dalam tas jinjingnya sendiri. Menggunakan dunia dengan ekspedisi, kasau sungai, angkatan bersenjata dan organisasi bantuan bencana. Filter pengganti Pesanan 22362 199,95 samph. Penjualan Khusus terjadi Sekarang. Klik disini untuk Order On Line 5. Katadyn TRK Drip Ceradyn (Keramik) Filter (dalam wadah gravitasi) Order 22390 Harga 249.95 samph. Elemen keramik eksklusif yang diresapi perak (3) bertahan hingga 39.000 galon. Filter permukaan keramik 0,2 mikron yang bisa dibersihkan dari tanah. Sekitar output 1 galon (4 liter) jam. Berat 7,3 lbs. Tinggi 18 inci. Hadir dengan 3 elemen filter yang dapat dibersihkan, mengukur gauge dan pad pembersih. Siap pakai langsung dari kotak. Bekerja pada tekanan gravitasi dari kompartemen atas tidak diperlukan hook-up. Air baku diisi di atas dengan sampai 2 12 galon air yang tidak diolah dan perlahan-lahan menetes melalui tiga elemen keramik ke wadah bawah. Sangat baik untuk tempat rekreasi, kabin, kapal, retret, kelompok, RV dll. Sangat populer di kalangan misionaris dan lain-lain yang tinggal di negara-negara yang tidak memiliki pipa ledeng, dan tekanan air rendah atau tidak dapat dipungkiri. Filter Penggantian Order 22391 69.95 masing-masing samph (anda perlu 3) Klik disini untuk memesan Katadyn TRK Drip Filter On Line 6. Katadyn TRK Drip Gravidyn (Keramik dan Karbon) Filter (dalam wadah gravitasi) Order 22410 Price 219.95 samph. Serupa dengan Ceradyn, (di atas) termasuk karbon aktif untuk mengurangi bahan kimia dan rasa tidak enak. Filter Penggantian Order 22411 Harga 59.95 setiap samph (yang anda butuhkan 3). Klik disini untuk memesan Katadyn TRK Drip Filter Gravidyn Sinyuan Air SteriPen UltraViolet Purifier dengan Baik Bucket (Hand Operated) Sawyer Water Bottle Filter - SP140 1 JUTA GALLON GUARANTEE Tingkat Pelepasan: 0.10 Micron Absolute Watch Video dari itu: Klik Disini Filter Air Sawyer memiliki Garansi terbatas seumur hidup terhadap cacat pengerjaan Sawyer Personal Water Bottle dengan Filter SP140 Sawyer Water Botol Pribadi dengan Filter. Gunakan dengan botol, pada kemasan hidrasi atau sebagai cahaya ultra. 1 JUTA GALLON GUARANTEE Tingkat Removal: 0.10 Micron Absolute One 34 oz BPA Botol Air Tahan Lama GRATIS dengan tutup flip-top Satu 0,10 Filter Air Mikroskop Absolute Dua Penggantian Jerami Minum Satu Pembersihan Jarum Pembersihan dan Pemeliharaan Petunjuk Bagi penggemar atau pelancong luar ruangan yang menyukai Minum dari botol, ini adalah sistem untuk Anda. Anda cukup mengisi botol, mampir saringan dan minum. Botol HDPE yang kasar namun ringan membuatnya bagus untuk mengurangi berat badan saat hiking. Topi flip atas juga sesuai dengan botol keras standar untuk saat Anda memilihnya. Anda juga bisa menyambungkan filter ini secara langsung di tabung minuman Anda dari kantung hidrasi Anda, lampirkan tabung minum dan minum langsung dari sumber air atau gunakan dalam sistem umpan gravitasi untuk aplikasi kelompok. Tidak seperti kebanyakan filter gaya pompa, filter ini tidak memiliki inti karbon aktif sehingga bahan bermanfaat dalam larutan penambahan elektrolit tidak akan disaring dari botol Anda. Dengan 98 aliran air yang melewati membran serat berongga, filter ini sangat cepat mengalir. Desain filter memungkinkan Anda untuk kembali mencucinya dengan jarum suntik tertutup dan menggunakannya berulang-ulang, sehingga membuat filter terakhir ini akan Anda butuhkan untuk membeli selama Anda mengikuti perawatan dan petunjuk penggunaan. Filter air dengan tingkat filtrasi tertinggi tersedia, 0,10 Micron Absolute, selain filter 0,062 Micron Absolute Kapasitas: 32 ons Berat: 5,5 ons Aliran: secepat minuman Anda Menghilangkan: Bakteri dan Harapan Hidup Protozoa: 1 Juta Gallon Biologis Filtrasi: menghilangkan 7 log (99,99999) dari semua bakteri seperti salmonella, kolera, dan E. coli. Dan 6 log (99,9999) dari semua Protozoa seperti Giardia dan Cryptosporidium. Anda akan menemukan tingkat penghapusan ini sama atau melebihi pilihan kompetitif. Panduan EPA memungkinkan sepuluh kali lebih banyak Protozoa tertinggal di air daripada yang kita izinkan. Hanya 39,95 samph. Hubungi pesanan Anda sekarang ke 1-800-321-2900 ext. 2 Mon-thur 10-6 PT. Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter - SP131 (termasuk kantong 0,5 L, 1 L, 2 L) Tonton video di dalamnya dalam tindakan: Klik Disini The NEW Sawyer Squeeze Filter adalah sistem penyaringan paling ringan dan paling serbaguna di pasaran. Dengan berat bidang total 3 ons dan kemampuan untuk menggulung, dibutuhkan hampir tidak ada ruang di kemasan Anda. Produk ini termasuk 3 kantong (0,5 L, 1 L dan 2 L) yang bisa digunakan kembali ratusan kali. Tas kapasitas 2 liter yang lebih besar juga tersedia. Cukup isi kantong pilihan Anda di danau, sungai atau sungai, sekrup saringan langsung ke kantong dan 1) Peras kantung dan saring air ke dalam botol air atau wadah pilihan Anda. 2) Minum langsung dari filter yang memiliki built in push pull cap untuk fungsi onoff. 3) Pasang saringan ke sebagian besar botol air berulir termasuk 2 liter botol. Filter Squeeze sangat cocok untuk bepergian ke luar negeri dimana air ledeng dan botol tidak dapat dipercaya. 3 - Kantung Ringan Ringan Tahan Lama (0,5 L. 1 L, dan kantong 2 L) 1 - Penggerek 0,1 Sekrup Serat Mikroklimat Mutlak Mutlak Screw Filter Air OnOff 1 - Taburan Pop Up Drink Up 1 - Petunjuk Pembersihan Syringe Pembersihan dan Pemeliharaan Filtrasi Biologis: menghilangkan 7 log (99.99999) dari semua bakteri seperti salmonella, kolera, dan E. coli. Dan 6 log (99,9999) dari semua Protozoa seperti Giardia dan Cryptosporidium. Anda akan menemukan tingkat penghapusan ini sama atau melebihi pilihan kompetitif. Panduan EPA memungkinkan sepuluh kali lebih banyak Protozoa tertinggal di air daripada yang kita izinkan. Hanya 58,95 samph. Hubungi pesanan Anda sekarang ke 1-800-321-2900 ext. 2 Mon-thur 10-6 PT. Kit Penjaga Tinta Sawyer Point Zero Two Purifier untuk Keluarga Besar, Grup, Desa Sawyer Point Zero Dua Purifier Sawyerreg Point Zero Twotrade Purifier dengan Kit Adaptor Bucket: Garansi Seumur Hidup pada Serat Serat Purifier Meliputi: .02 MICRON ABSOLUTE HOLLOW FIBRE MEMBRAN PURIFIER DAN BUCKET INLINE ADAPTOR KIT. Air Minum Untuk Desa Jarak Jauh, Kamp dan Kabin Hingga 170 Gallons Air Bersih Per Hari Sistem Penyaringan ini Melampaui Standar EPA untuk Penghapusan Bakteri, Protozoa, Kista, Virus. The Sawyerreg Point Zero Twotrade Purifiers menampilkan Microscone berkapasitas 0.02 Micron Absolute, yang menggunakan teknologi medis yang dikembangkan dari dialisis ginjal. Ketika air ditarik melalui saringan, ia mengalir melalui dinding samping tabung Serat Tabung. Sedimen, bakteri, protozoa, kista, dan kontaminan lainnya disaring melebihi semua rekomendasi EPA yang berlaku. Cukup ikuti petunjuk tertutup untuk digunakan dan berikan pada ember atau ember untuk menghasilkan air bebas bakteri di lokasi terpencil. Sawyer Products, Inc. memiliki filter virus NEW, 0,02 mikron yang tidak mengandung bahan kimia, diberi nilai untuk One Million Gallons. Menangani hingga 40 PSI, tapi alirannya cukup mudah diminum langsung secara oral. Biaya rendah dan volume tinggi. Akan menempatkan dan mengakhiri Typhoid dan Cholera dengan biaya yang sangat rendah. Gt 5,5 log virus, diuji sepenuhnya EPA. Cuci muka tidak diperlukan sering kecuali jika Anda menyaring air yang sangat keruh. Cuci muka hanya membutuhkan waktu beberapa detik. TIDAK ADA PENGGANTIAN FILTER ATAU KARTRID YANG TIDAK PERLU. Kami percaya bahwa Anda benar-benar akan menikmati kemudahan dan perlindungan ekstra yang ditawarkan oleh teknologi generasi mendatang ini. Memesan Bebas Pulsa di 1-800-321-2900 Sistem Filtrasi Berkey Water Filter Berkeytrade Hitam digunakan dalam perdagangan Berkey Light Berkey Water Filtration Systems adalah salah satu sistem penyaringan air terbaik yang digunakan di seluruh dunia untuk lingkungan filtrasi normal atau bermusuhan untuk memberikan yang paling lezat. , Berkilau air bersih mungkin Berkey Light dapat digunakan untuk menyaring air yang tidak dapat diminum atau tidak diobati. Tekanan listrik dan air tidak diperlukan. Lampu Berkey fleksibel dan mudah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penyaringan air Anda. Light Berkey dapat diandalkan, mudah digunakan di hampir semua lingkungan. Berkey Lightstrade desain unik menggabungkan proses penyaringan mikro-berpori yang sudah tua ditambah dengan teknologi mutakhir mutakhir dan bahan berkualitas tinggi untuk memberi Anda sistem penyaringan air terbaik yang tersedia di manapun. Untuk pemakaian, air dituang ke ruang atas. Gravitasi menarik air ini melalui elemen filter Berkeytrade Black yang eksklusif. Kontaminan ditangkap pada dan di dalam elemen filter berpori mikro dan dipisahkan dari air. Setiap elemen tahan lama dan efisien bisa dibersihkan dengan sikat gigi dan bertahan hingga 2.000 galon. Terlebih lagi, unsur filter Berkeytrade Black yang unik adalah selfsterilizing. Air yang disaring kemudian dikumpulkan di ruang bawah dimana bisa ditarik melalui keran. Seringkali diinginkan untuk mengisi ulang ruang atas sementara sebagian air dari siklus sebelumnya tetap berada di bilik bawah. Dengan sistem yang tidak transparan atau buram ruang atas harus dilepas dari ruang bawah. Ini tidak nyaman dan berantakan karena air terus menetes dari elemen filter saat pengguna memeriksa kadar air di ruang bawah. Hal ini sangat sulit dalam kondisi cahaya tidak atau rendah. Jika pengguna tidak memeriksa tingkat air ada risiko bahwa ruang atas akan overfilled dan kemudian menyebabkan ruang bawah meluap. Berkey Lighttrade memecahkan masalah ini dengan desain transparannya. Pengguna dapat melihat tingkat air di kedua bilik setiap saat. Sistem ini digabungkan bersama selama penggunaan memungkinkan Berkey Lighttrade dipindahkan saat sedang melakukan penyaringan. Hal ini dapat menjadi penting ketika Berkey Lighttrade digunakan di area untuk persiapan makanan dan kemudian dibutuhkan di area makan. Sistem ini juga dapat disjoined untuk pembersihan, perawatan dan pengangkutan dll. Berkey Lighttrade Water Filter Order 25770 231.00 Pengiriman USA Berkey Lighttrade (Black Berkeytrade) Filter Penggantian Order 25771 107.00 setiap samph (untuk paket 2) Bagaimana The Berkys Operate, Assembly Instructions, Tambahkan Filter PF-2 untuk Berky Light KLIK DISINI Elemen Filter Berkey Lighttrade telah diuji oleh laboratorium terakreditasi State amp EPA untuk melampaui protokol EPA amp ANSINSF (Std 53). Diuji oleh University of Phoenix. Lab Spectrum, Departemen Ilmu Pengetahuan Toksikologi dan Ilmu Lingkungan Louisiana. British Berkefeld Big Berkey Water Filter Berk Berkilau Berkley Inggris dilengkapi dengan Filter Keripik Sterasylquot 4 - 9in. quotSuper Filter Stereglrdquo ldquoSuper yang digunakan di kedua sistem, mengurangi hingga 99,99 partikel, kista, parasit dan bakteri patogen termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada E. Coli, Cryptosporidium, Giardia dan Salmonella Typhi. Selain itu, filter ini akan mengurangi klorin, karat, sedimen dan bahan kimia organik. Dengan efisiensi pemilahan partikel nominal filtrasi gt99.99 pada 0,9 mikron gt99,9 pada 0,5 mikron gt98 turun menjadi 0,2 mikron (Laboratorium Spektrum) Konstruksi: Dibangun dari baja tahan karat kelas tinggi dan dipoles. Produksi Air: 1,25 galon per jam Sampai 30 gallons per hari Ukuran: 19,4 H X 8.5dia. Kapasitas. 2,4 gal Berat: 8,5 lbs. Big Berkey dengan Filter Filter Air 4 X 9 - Pesanan 25752 359.00 samph Big Berkey Penggantian 9 Filter - Pesanan 25751 58.00 setiap samph (Anda perlu 4) Empat Pack 9 Filter - Order 25754 199.95 untuk empat samph. Bagaimana Berkys Mengoperasikan, Instruksi Majelis, Menambahkan Filter PF-2 untuk Lampu Berky KLIK DI SINI (Sekarang Kembali Persediaan) Penyuling Air Non-Listrik Sumber Panas Tidak ada bagian yang bergerak semua Distiller Air Stainless Steel Penyuling ini bekerja pada hampir semua sumber panas. . Besar untuk berkemah atau sebagai cadangan darurat untuk unit listrik Anda, ia bekerja sama baiknya di kompor dapur Anda, grill propana, bahkan api unggun yang tidak memindahkan bagian semua Stainless Steel Hingga 16 galon sehari air murni dan aman dengan atau tanpa listrik. . Termasuk desain ramping, collectorreservoir stainless steel untuk mudah dibawa dan penyimpanan. Dengan kit koleksi kontinyu opsional, beberapa siklus dimungkinkan tanpa harus mematikan panas untuk mengosongkan atau mengganti kolektor yang lebih kecil. Pesanan 22222 Reg. 449.00 samph SEKARANG dijual seharga 387.00 samph Continuous Collection Kit 3 Gallon Bottle - Tubing Tidak termasuk, dilengkapi dengan penyuling. 22223 29.00 samph Tangki Air Stainless Steel berukuran 1000 galon dan 2.500 galon. Dengan kondisi pasokan air tawar alami yang terus menerus terkontaminasi, kekeringan dan penipisan, memiliki tangki penyimpanan air stainless steel sangat masuk akal. UL, Stainless Steel, Di Atas Ground, On Cradles. Mulai sekitar 9800.00 samph Hubungi harga saat ini sebagai Stainless Steel Harga yang berubah terlalu cepat untuk mengikuti. 1-800-321-2900 M-Thur 10-6 PT Inilah Cara Memesan: Memesan Bebas Pulsa di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada 1-800-321-2900 ext. 2 Pertanyaan dan pertanyaan Hubungi 1-360-458-6778 Surat siput: Pusat Survival POB 234 McKenna, Wa 98558 Asing: e-mail kami, telepon atau menulis. Super Tankers 250 dan 125 Gallon 28quot Wide 36quot Deep 85quot High Membawa ruang lantai kurang dari dua drum galon, namun akan terus mendekati volume yang sama dengan lima drum 55 galon. Dilengkapi dengan keran dan katup bola stainless steel berkualitas tinggi. Dirancang agar sesuai dengan pintu 28quot untuk menjadi wadah penyimpanan air terbaik di rumah. Untuk penyimpanan 5 tahun, tambahkan Oksigen Stabilisasi kami. UV Ray tahan 20 tahun Gravity Fed (tidak perlu pompa menyedot mahal untuk mengeluarkan air) FDA amp HPB Menyetujui 39 grade polyethylene. 250 Gallon Super Tanker sejauh ini merupakan pilihan terbaik untuk menyimpan sejumlah besar air di rumah. 250 galon banyak air dan akan bertahan lama dan keluarga Anda. Wadah penyimpanan air ini dirancang agar sesuai dengan sebagian besar pintu di rumah Anda dan muat di bawah langit-langit delapan kaki. Dimensinya adalah lebar 28Prime x 36Prime dan tingginya sekitar 7 kaki. Ini adalah ukuran yang sangat wajar untuk sesuatu yang akan ada di rumah Anda. Pikirkan sesuatu seperti pemanas air panas, tapi sedikit lebih tinggi. Thatrsquos kira-kira seukuran 250 Gallon Super Tanker. Kami juga menawarkan 125 Gallon Super Tanker. Ini memiliki tapak yang sama dengan wadah 250 galon, tapi hanya setinggi, menyimpan setengah sebanyak air. Kedua wadah penyimpanan air ini adalah pilihan yang sangat baik untuk digunakan di rumah. Air adalah hal yang paling penting untuk hidup dan memiliki cukup pada saat dibutuhkan sangat penting. Anda tidak akan pernah memiliki terlalu banyak air yang tersimpan, tapi Anda bisa memiliki terlalu sedikit air yang tersimpan. The 250 Gallon Super Tanker is a efficient, easy to use, water storage container that is great for in home use. Get ready today Water Storage Barrels You can live longer without food than water Clean water is one of the first things you will need in any emergency. Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day (pppd). 3-6 months of stored water is not unreasonable. Our NEW Heavy duty food grade plastic barrels come with 2 bung openings in the top. Great for water or fuel storage. Fill at your home with clean drinkable water, add a preserver and close. Can be stored inside or out year round. Allow at least 5 empty head room if storing outside for freezing water to expand. One 55 gal. drum of water is approx. a two week supply for a family of four at 1 gal. pppd. Note the 125 gallon super Tanker. We also have 250 gallon super Tankers. So - you will need the following: Barrels to store water in. Pump to get water out. Bung wrench to open bungs on top. Preserver - to keep water fresh. Aerobic 07 suggested - approx. 5 year storage life. New Plastic Drums SCNF31 55 Gal. Drum 89.95 SCNF30 30 Gal. Drum 79.95 SCNF29 15 Gal. Drum 44.95 SCNF28 5 Gal. Drum 16.95 ( stackable ) Or call Toll Free 1-800-321-2900 ext 2 M-Thur 10-6 PT Lid LifterBung Wrench - Deluxe Simple Hand Water Pump Simple Pumptrade is a hand water pump that works as a reliable backup right beside your existing submersible well pump. As a hand water pump, Simple Pumptrade delivers up to 5 gallons per minute, and water comes out of your household spigot at normal pressure. With such strong water flow, use Simple Pumptrade as a primary water pump system for non-electrical wells too. We all know power outages are inconvenient. But they do more than shut off the TV and lights. If youre on an electrical well system, a power outage cuts off your water supply too. Thats when many turn to manual water pumps. Simple Pumptrade is a hand water pump that works as a reliable backup right beside your existing submersible well pump. So you can still drink clean water, take showers, and flush toilets - without electricity. Simple Pumptrade delivers up to 5 gallons per minute, and water comes out of your household spigot at normal pressure. It works just as effectively in shallow and deep wells. With such strong water flow, use Simple Pumptrade as a primary water pump system for non-electrical wells too. A manual water pump made. Simple Easy to use - when pumping manually, the unique lever arm pump only takes 10 lbs. of force to pump 3 gallons per minute from 100 - even uphill. Its so effortless, even a child can do it Easy to install - installs in less than 2 hours using common tools. Convenient - designed for kids and adults to safely grip the smooth lever arm handle. Safe - lever arm removes from the pump when not in use. So children arent tempted to play with it. Tamper-resistant - in just 5 minutes, you can remove the lever arm and related linkage so the pump stands only 5quot above the ground. In this quotlow-mode, quot your manual water pump wont stand out from your landscaping or attract vandals. A hand water pump made. Durable Quality materials - Simple Pumptrade is made completely from lead-free, CNC-machined stainless steel and aluminum components. All components are Safe Drinking Water Act compliant. The pump rods are high tensile fiberglass and the drop pipe is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) schedule 80. Precision-machining - all components are machined in aerospace-class manufacturing plants. This assures your hand pump will work when you need it. Unmatched durability - designed to last at least 50 years, it could be the only manual water pump youll ever buy Frost proof - the self-priming pump keeps your water flowing even when the ground is frozen. 5-year warranty - in case of a defective component, just send us the part and well replace and ship it to you for free anywhere in the continental USA. (please see FAQs for more details) A lever water pump made. Affordable Quality materials, simple design (reduces long-term wear) and precise manufacturing. Simple Pumptrade can easily be the only hand water pump youll ever need. Based on the average pump kit cost, you can have peace of mind for only 20 a year. Thats less than the cost of an annual magazine subscription Your price will depend on the depth of your well and the static level of your water. We will need the diameter of the well casing and where the pipes and electric lines come out of it ( top or side). This is important. Have this information ready for correct pricing. Produce Up to 2200 gallonsday When you need a water pump for larger jobs, just convert your Simple Pumptrade manual water pump into a motorized water pump. Our 15 HP gearmotor attachment quickly bolts on to operate reliably in any climate. Then youll be able to pump up to 2200 gallonsday As a motorized water pump, Simple Pumptrade is tough enough to safely move contaminated water, highly impacted ground water, and water with other debris. Pump Frequently Asked Questions A. Because of Simple Pumpstrade mechanical lever arm design, the average person can easily pump from depths up to 200 feet. We estimate that the maximum effective pumping depth is approximately 350 feet due to accumulated sucker rod stretch. Click here for Simple Pumptrade power options. Q. quotHow much water does it pumpquot A. Pumping rates from the Simple Pumptrade vary directly with the frequency and length of strokes of the lever arm. In normal operation, Simple Pumptrade delivers up to 5 gallons per minute. Q. quotWill I have to take out my existing electric submersible pump to install the Simple Pumptradequot A. In most applications, the Simple Pumptrade will readily fit in your existing domestic well without removing or disrupting your existing pump and motor. NOTE: There are 3 pump installation configurations that are problematic for the normal homeowner and may require the assistance of a pump installer to complete the installation: When the existing pump discharge pipe protrudes from the top of the well cap. In this configuration, the existing submersible pump and discharge piping is entirely supported by the well cap. The pump and string of discharge piping, depending on the pumps depth setting, can be very heavy requiring mechanical assistance to lift the assembly. In this instance, contact a qualified pump installer for assistance. Some deeper submersible pumps were installed using what are commonly referred to as quottorque arrestorsquot or quotcentering guidesquot. These fittings act to keep the discharge piping from the submersible pump in the center of the well and reduce the twisting effect, or torque, caused by the pump turning on and off. It is difficult to determine if an existing pump assembly is equipped with a torque arrestor or arrestors. Under normal applications, the drop pipe assemblies freely slide into the well casing. During your Simple Pumptrade installation, if you have difficulty sliding the drop pipe into the well, there may be a torque arrestor in place that the Simple Pumptrade is hitting. If you encounter this condition, carefully remove the Simple Pumptrade assembly from the well casing and contact a qualified pump installer for assistance. The Simple Pumptrade will still fit, but will require special alignment of the drop pipe assemblies to fit through openings in the torque arrestor(s). Another problem arises with small diameter wells (4quot and smaller) or well casings that are not vertically aligned. The size of the pumps discharge piping relative to the wells casing diameter will determine the ability to easily install the Simple Pumptrade assembly. The largest diameter of any of the Simple Pumptrade components is 1 58quot and will normally fit beside the pumps discharge piping in a 4quot diameter well. If, during the installation process, you encounter difficulty or binding as the drop pipes are sliding into place, you may need to contact a qualified pump installer to provide assistance. Q. quotCan I install it myselfquot A. If you possess average mechanical ability and are somewhat familiar with the installation of routine plumbing or irrigation piping, you can easily install Simple Pumptrade within 2 hours. Youll only need minor assistance. The second time you install a Simple Pumptrade system (helping a friend or neighbor) you will be able to complete it within an hour. If you are not quite that adept in mechanical applications, we strongly recommend that you contact a qualified pump installer or licensed plumbing contractor to assist you. Q. quotWhat parts will wear outquot A. Simple Pumptrade is constructed of durable materials that will not easily wear out. The pump assembly, pump head, pump cylinder, and check valves are all stainless steel. The pump rods are aerospace-quality fiberglass with fused stainless steel ends. And the drop pipe is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Schedule 80. Finally, the pumps lever handle assembly is solid, aircraft-grade T6061 aluminum. There are a series of 3 working u-cup seals at various locations in the pump assembly. These are made of a durable rubber product referred to as quotBuna-Nquot. If ever needed, replacement u-cup seals can be purchased directly from Simple Pumptrade . Q. quotHow hard is it to pump waterquot A. With the Simple Pumptrade. pumping water from normal depths is easy. The lever handle that is standard equipment with our pump system works on common leverage principles and provides a leverage ratio of 3.3:1. The actual force required is dependent on the total length of drop pipe assembly. For a standard installation of 100 feet, it takes approximately 10 pounds of downward force - a child can easily do this. At 200 feet, it takes approximately 13 pounds of downward force. Q. quotWhat are Simple Pumpstrade made ofquot A. Components of the Simple Pumptrade system are manufactured from stainless steel, aircraft-grade fiberglass, and aluminum. The pump assembly, pump head, pump cylinder and check valves are all stainless steel. The pump rods are aerospace-quality fiberglass with fused stainless steel ends. The drop pipe is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Schedule 80. And the pumps lever handle assembly is solid aircraft-grade aluminum. Q. quotWhat size well does Simple Pumptrade fit inquot A. The largest component of the Simple Pumptrade system is approximately 1 58quot OD. As a stand-alone application, the Simple Pumptrade can be installed in a 2quot diameter well casing. Usually, the Simple Pumptrade can be installed in domestic wells with nominal diameters in excess of 4quot without removing the existing submersible pump or its discharge piping. Q. quotHow long does it take to installquot A. Simple Pumptrade is designed for a person with average mechanical ability to easily install. Youll only need minor assistance. A typical installation can easily be completed within two hours without any special tools. After installation, you can help your neighbors with theirs and it will take less than one hour per installation. Q. quotHow well does Simple Pumptrade work in freezing temperaturesquot A. The Simple Pump was designed similar to a non-freeze hydrant and allows the upper column of water to bleed off to a depth below the frost line. This keeps the pump from freezing. We have many pumps operating 247 without difficulty in high-wind, freezing temperatures reaching -17degF (-27degC). Proper precautions should be taken each fall to ensure that the weep hole has not become obstructed. Q. quotHow long have you been in this businessquot A. The Simple Pumptrade Company was established in 1999. The design is the direct result of collaborative efforts between two engineers. One of the designers is a mechanical engineer who has been involved in the design and manufacturing of large scale mechanical equipment for nearly 25 years. He owns and operates one of the machine shops that produce some of the pump components. Another mechanical engineer with over 25 years of experience, owns and operates Simple Pumptrade company on a day-to-day basis. Q. quotHow do you ship international ordersquot A. We use the respected international carrier or freight forwarder that works best in your area. This includes USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL and Vantage Point Services. For international orders, the sucker rods can be shipped in shorter lengths. Q. quotIs there any lead in the Simple Pumptradequot A. The pump assembly and its component parts are manufactured from lead-free materials and are Safe Drinking Water Act compliant. Simple Pumptrade components are also in compliance with the even more stringent California proposition 65 requirements. Q. quotHow do I determine the depth to groundwater or static water levelquot A. Depth to groundwater is difficult to accurately determine without the benefit of a well sounding device. You can approximate the depth to groundwater from the well drillers drilling log when the well was initially drilled. If you dont have this information, contact a local well driller or practicing engineer to have the water depth confirmed by sounding or other measurement technique. Q. quotWhat is the difference between well depth, groundwater depth, or static water levelquot A. Well depth is defined as the full depth that the well was drilled or cased. quotDepth to groundwaterquot and quotstatic water levelquot are synonymous phrases and define the depth or distance from the top of the well to the level of water within the well. This distinction is important because the static water level is the depth from which water is pumped irrespective of the depth that the pump is set. We normally recommend, accommodating natural groundwater level decline, that Simple Pumptrade be installed to a depth at least 27 feet below the static water level. Q. quotCan the pump really develop enough pressure to fill my pressure tankquot A. Yes. Simple Pumptrade has been manufactured to very stringent tolerances, which lets the pump develop sufficient pressure to fill a residential pressure or bladder tank. Q. quotHow do I determine the depth to groundwater or static water levelquot A. Depth to groundwater is difficult to accurately determine without the benefit of a well sounding device. You can approximate the depth to groundwater from the well drillers drilling log when the well was initially drilled. If you dont have this information, contact a local well driller or practicing engineer to have the water depth confirmed by sounding or other measurement technique. NOTE: If you want to determine your static water level yourself, youll need: a small fishing weight, a 1 14quot to 1 12quot diameter bobber, several feet of a lightweight fishing line or kite string. Attach the weight to the end of the line or string. Affix the bobber 1 inch above the weight. Remove the well cap and lower the weighted end with bobber into the well casing. When the bobber reaches the water level, the line will go limp. Youll feel a slack in the line. At the point where you feel the slack, mark the line at the top edge of the casing (you can tie a small knot in the line, use tape or a marker) Pull the line back up from the casing. Measure the length of the line from the bobber to the marked line. This is your static water level. Give us a call to order your pump today. Call Toll Free 1-800-321-2900 Local or International call 1-360-458-6778 We didnrsquot actually run a million gallons through the filter, because thats a lot of water. but we could have. It is what makes the Sawyer water filters and purifiers the best on the market. They can be backwashed. So letrsquos say that you take your filter on a 3 month trip with you. You can put an end to all your water worries by buying a Sawyer Water Filter or Purifier. Backwashing is not required often unless you are filtering very turbid water. Backwashing is as simple as reversing the filter flow with clean water. Forcing the clean water back through the filter flushes out all of the contaminants and only takes a few seconds. If you are accustomed to a ceramic filter, the cleaning ratio is approximately 20:1. In other words, by the 20th time you would have cleaned a ceramic filter, it would be time to backwash this filter for the first time. NO REPLACEMENT FILTERS OR CARTRIDGES ARE NECESSARY. We trust you will thoroughly enjoy the ease and extra protection this proven next generation technology offers you. Water Filter Repairs The Sawyer Water Filter has a lifetime limited warranty against defects in workmanship. Should this product fail due to failure in workmanship, return it to one of our authorized repair facilities. We will repair it or replace it at our discretion, free of charge. Repairs due to improper use or care, negligence, product modification, or accident are not covered under this warranty agreement, but can be performed at a nominal charge on request. This warranty applies only to the original purchaser. All shipping charges are the responsibility of the purchaser. Return shipping and handling is 5 for most items. WARNING: DO NOT FREEZE FREEZE DAMAGE IS NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY DO NOT DROP FILTER FROM HIGH HEIGHTS, IT MAY DAMAGE HOUSING WHICH IS NOT COVERED BY WARRANTY DO NOT MODIFY FILTER IN ANY WAY, THIS WILL VOID WARRANTY AND MAY RESULT IN FILTER NOT PERFORMING AS DESIGNED DO NOT USE HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS OR SOAP WITH FILTER DRINK MIXES MUST BE COMPLETELY DISSOLVED BEFORE THEY WILL PASS THROUGH THE FILTER FILTER HOUSING IS NOT INTENDED TO BE OPENED BY CONSUMER AND MAY LEAK IF OPENED THIS IS NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY THE WARRANTY ONLY APPLIES TO THE FILTER AND DOES NOT COVER BOTTLE, TUBES, AND OTHER PARTS Please Feel Free to call if you have any questions. We are here to assist you in your preparing. Preparedness Prevents Panic. 1-800-321-2900 M-Thur 10-6 PT Disclaimer: Please note that all books, video tapes, articles, and comments are for educational purposes only. The Survival Center shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this information. The contents of this web page or web site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing reported in this web page or site is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We reserve the right in the event of interruption of our business in whole or in part by reason of fire, flood, windstorm, earthquake, war, strike, embargo, acts of God, governmental action, shortages, or any causes beyond our control, we reserve the option of canceling undelivered orders in whole or part. Price and availability on our products is subject to change without notice. All sales final. copyWorldwide Copyright 1995 - 2014 The Survival Center tradeKampN Air Filter Products - K and N Filters KampN stock replacement air filters are designed to increase horsepower and acceleration while protecting your engine. KampN air filters are available for most cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles, ATVs, and more. It is easy to find KampN air filter products for your vehicle using KampNs Air Filters by Vehicle Manufacturer page. Designed to increase horsepower and acceleration while providing excellent filtration Lifetime Air Filter with KampN Million Mile Limited Warranty The Worlds Best Air Filter KampN air intake systems add power and torque to your vehicle and feature an easy to install bolt-on design. KampN air intake systems are available for most vehicles on the road. It is easy to find the right KampN Air Intake for your vehicle using KampNs Air Intakes by Vehicle Manufacturer page. Guaranteed Horsepower KampN Million Mile Limited Warranty Replaces entire factory air intake system Easy to install KampN Universal, Custom amp Racing Air Filters 1,000 sizesshapes One Year Limited Warranty KampNs High Flow Cotton Media Provides Performance and Protection OE Replacement Oil Filters for most cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles, amp ATVs 1quot (automotive) or 17mm (motorcycle) exposed nut designed for easy removal Heavy duty construction amp outstanding oil filtration To Find a KampN Dealer in Australia use our dealer search . Feedback from KampN users in Australia Send us your feedback quotI had a 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 belt drive. I replaced standard pulleys for improved top speed and less vibrations but lost some noticeable torque. I then installed a KampN filter and frankly I could not believe the difference it made. Revved much harder, sounded better and improved my acceleration noticeably and regained any lost torque. I dont know if petrol consumption improved because I tended to go harder though I didnt notice any drop in MPG. Now got a Triumph Tiger 955i with KampN and it goes really well. Id recommend this to any bike owner. Im now thinking of putting one in my 4x4 cause its heavy on fuel. FWIW. quot Bob Sydney, Australia Just installed the new filter in my bike and with the work I had done on the exhaust my bike went from a 1600 slugish machine to finaly something with some grunt. James Sieuwerts Brisbane, Australia I recently purchased a KampN panel filter and it has had a vast difference to my car not only is it performing a lot better now it is also extremely economical and saving me lots of money. Keenan Smith Australia quotI added your filter and intake tube to my BMW 325i and am more than pleased. The growl is great and it removed a low down flat spot and added a little more kick but the best bit is it improved my fuel economy by at least 1.2L per 100km, a savings of about 1.60 per 100km. It will pay for itself in the not too distant future. I have always had a KampN filters in my cars over the years and recommend them to everyone Cheersquot Ross Colburn Sunshine Coast, Australia quotI recently had the KampN 69-6540 Typhoon air intake installed in my 2006 Lancer ES 2.0L and the gains in throttle response and power were beyond anything I expected from just changing the intake and the sound is nothing short of cool I am now getting more enjoyment when driving my car aggressively and better mileage when just cruising around. I would recommend KampNs intake systems to anyone. thanks KampN you guys rock KampN cool it down. crank it upquot Luke Darwin NT Australia Got a KampN air filter for my Mitsubishi Verada 99. Way more power from this filter than the stock one plus it sounds great. Chris Canberra, Australia Recently fitted one of your air filters to my Nissan GU Patrol, an immediate and notable difference was realized, a lot less pedal to get the vehicle moving and keep it moving, better power and economy, will pay for itself in no time, great product KampN. Steve Haynes Australia I have run KampN filters in my VZ SS Ute and now my HSV VXR Turbo, they have been unmatched for both performance and value for money. Angelo Sydney, Australia The first thing I do when I buy a car is to replace the intake with a KampN filter replacement. I own a 2009 Honda Accord Euro (CU2) (US name: Acura TSX) and have been hastling my local parts supplier over the last year asking when the Australian Distributor for KampN will hard holding the part. Can you please expedite this filter replacement for Australian supply please I know me and many CU2 owners would appreciate it. James Kim Sydney, Australia quotI currently have a KampN panel air filter installed on my 95 Nissan Micra LX. Honestly performance wise is freaking awesome. I am thinking about installing the 57i induction kit for the Micra, which is the next level up from the standard airbox. I cant wait to install it and to take my ride for a spin. even though cops are around, I am just driving for the thrill of the ride. KampN is the future of performance rather than using turbo crap. more air, equals MORE performance. quot Lloyd Maliakal Melbourne, Victoria, Australia quotIm a bit surprised that in the testimonials and info re KampN filters that there is not much said about increases in fuel mileage Most comments and info relates to extra HP Ive been using KampN filters for 18 years now and apart from the performance gains, my fuel milage increased quite substantially. My N14 Nissan Pular (SR20DE motor) despite being told I could expect about 28-30 mg, I consistently got 36 mg in peak hour traffic going back and forward to work. I traded that car (after 10.5 years) on my current car, a 2002 Nissan S15 200SX (Silvia) The Govenrment Fuel Consumption Guide and friends that also owned the same car, were acheiving only 27-28 mg. over the eight years Ive had my car, I have consistently got 31 mg Not a lot, but over the years. As for performance, a before and after dyno run showed an increase of 13kW ATWquot Ron Johnson Adelaide, Australia quotBought one for the family VN V6 wagon with 360000kms on the clock and I have to say, instant improvement on even that crusty old bomb. The engine felt like it was breathing a lot better, performance was definately up on the old paper filter. So much so, that when I bought myself into the new millenium with a 2001 VX wagon family car with a more muscular 5.7 GenIII, the first purchase was, you guessed it - a new KampN flat panel filter. Have a Vortech T-trim supercharged VPSS 355ci in the build for one of my toys, and when shes up and running, will be definately be looking into a KampN pod filter. High performance and long life - you cant go wrongquot Ashley Adelaide, South Australia quot Hi People and Chevy Lovers, I now have 31000 miles on my ZZ4355 GM motor and still use KampN Oil Filters which I change every 4000 miles. I reckon that I could go a lot further but it took a long time to buy this motor brand new which is a beauty so why take a chance. All the best to all. quot Noel Foreshew Sydney, Australia I just wanted to say that your product is just awesome. Im from Sydney in the land down under with a Nissan S15 Silvia in my driveway, which is now a car that performs and sounds a hell of a lot better than what it did, and its all thanks to your filter. I have used a KampN 3 Pod type filter of some type (Dont have part number with me) and the induction sound and the blow off sound from the turbo is just amazing. The performance is so good I can even feel the air being sucked quicker through it as well as hear it Keep up the good work KampN, I will be sure to always use your filters from now onquot Aaron Sydney, Australia The overall performance improvement in my Subaru Outback is outstanding. It runs smoother, quicker with less fuel just by changing the air filter. Should have done it years ago. David Punton Eschol Park, NSW, Australia quotWOW HAVE JUST INSTALLED ONE OF YOUR KampN AIR FILTERS. MODEL 33-2233. I PURCHASED IT FROM YOUR GATES HEAD AGENT WHO WERE GREAT. HVFS. THE CAR IS 2006 DIESEL JEEP CHEROKEE. IVE ONLY DONE A COUPLE OF HUNDRED KM HOWEVER IT IS BREATHING SOooo MUCH BETTER. THATS FOR A GREAT PRODUCT. quot DAVE Newcastle Valentine N. S.W. Australia Hi, My wife was winging about the performance of her Mitsubishi Outlander. She said it had no power and the fuel consumption was through the roof This car has always been serviced by the local dealer through which we brought the vehicle. So I jumped on the net and searched for any performance stuff for the Outlander when I came upon KampN. So I purchased a filter. When I went to install it I found the original filter half blocked with insects and debris. This should have been changed at 40.000. I cleaned it all out and fitted the KampN. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. Heaps of power, shifts better. sounds better. Thanks KampN quotJust wanted to say Thanks 8211 I am blown away Just fitted a KampN Air Charger kit. model 63-3053 on my HSV Clubsport 8211 badged as Pontiac GTO in the states I think. Anyway, wheel spin has never happened so easily. Power increase was noticeable from the moment I hit the accelerator. Love the kit, well designed, easy to install, although clearance is really tight between engine cover and KampN pipe. But that because we use a different engine cover on our LS2s here in Australia. Absolutely Love It 8211 Top stuff - Thanks guys and gals at KampN. Love ya work. Vince Papillo Melbourne, Australia Hi people, Just a few lines to say that I have the BEST combination of motoring satisfaction. I have series 2 Jaguar with 355 Chevy power with a KampN air filter which gives 10 better economy and the KampN oil filter with nut style body takes the drama out of removal etc. besides longer engine oil life of about 16. Thanks KampN for value for money. You are the best. quot Noel Sydney, Australia quotToyota 75 Series Ute. I owned a 1995 Toyota 75 series 4.2 litre Ute. I could not drive from Cloncurry to Longreach on one tank of fuel. I was lucky to get 495 kilometers to 84 litres of fuel at 2,600 revs. which is about 112 kmh Plus the vechicle was sluggish and had to be driven hard to get up and going. It was recommended by a friend I fit a KampN filter. I noticed the difference immediately driving in town. The vechicle would pull in 5th gear at 40kmh and keep gaining speed without having to put the pedal to the metal. I left Southport on the Gold Coast and drove to the main highway rounabout at Rockhampton before switching to the front tank. Odometer read 712 klms on one tank the vechicle was fitted with two fuel tanks. I could get 84 litres out of the rear tank and 87 litres out of the front tank. I drove 1466 kilometers at 2,600rpm on both tanks of fuel. I could achieve 600 around town because the vechicle didnt require hard driving to get to speed. The vechicle went from returning around 5.5 klms to a litre to around 8.57 klms a litre. I would recommend the fitting of a KampN air filter to any vechicle. I have one fitted to my wifes Mitsubishi Galant GSR. and have now fitted one to my Landrover Discovery Tdiquot George Keegan Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia I am really happy with KampN 33-2145-1 air filter. Fuel economy and acceleration improved a lot. Thank you KampN. UPDATE - February 7, 2006: The fuel economy has increased dramatically from 12.5L100 to 9.2L100. Easy to start the vehicle. Better acceleration. Quick gear change. Basically I feel like I am driving a completely new car. quot Bob Sydney, Australia quotHi People, I now have a 1974 DaimlerJaguar fitted with a ZZ4 S. B.Chevy 350. Like its predecessors the motor lives and breathes Valvoline and KampN Oil and Air Filters which give their all to the long life and economy of my motors. When my last motor was given a new inlet manifold gasket at 170,000 there was NO sign of sludge at all. I am staying with the best products FULL TIME..NoelinOz. quot Noel W F Sydney, Australia Holden Commodore VY SS(ute). Just replaced stock air intake with a KampN FIPK gen2 (pod filter). Total install took aprox 2 hours, but i am a computer technician by trade. No hassles with the install, kit looks tidy under bonnet, and OMG Finally the LS1 motor sounds like a V8, noticing a lower idle RPM and a more responsive pedal. I would only asume better economy but at the moment im just driving by that awsome throaty growl that the new intake gives it. This is the first upgrade iv done on my baby, and am extremely happy with the product. quotOn a recent trip to the United states, I purchased a FilterCharger for my MX 5, and on the day of my return I installed it immediately. I can not recall any other product Ive ever purchased that made so much a difference to performance for the money. I have looked at your competitors products and have driven cars with them installed. Upon learning more about your FilterCharger, I thought I would give it a try. Well Im very impressed. quot Christopher Halek Melbourne, Australia quotHi, I have just fitted a filter (YA-1199) to my Yamaha XVS1100 Classic cycle and do feel that it is breathing better, but will not fully feel the difference until the machine is run in a bit longer. Have also fitted it to a 350 Chevy powered Holden SS Commodore and have noticed quite a big effect in that machine, it also gives the intake quite a growl on acceleration. Thanks for making a good productquot Bob Riley Australia quotHey, I drive a Holden Commodore S pack Ute powered by a 3.8 Ecotec V6. Fitting the KampN filter has improved power, accelerator responsiveness and now gives a crisper note. I didnt write this to sell KampN products instead just to tell it how it is. I would recommend and do recommend putting these filters in your engines as they have worked for me. It would have to be the cheapest quotquotmodquotquot that actually gives results. I could keep writing but will run out of space. Jug Qld, Australia quotI purchased a KampN filter today with some money I got for Christmas, I wanted to spend money on my car but didnt know what to get. I have been thinking about modifying my intake to allow more air flow to reach the filter but had never actually thought of just upgrading the OE filter. Well Im glad I did, it has made a huge difference to the acceleration and over all responsiveness of my vehicle and just thought Id send an e-mail to say thank you and keep up the good work. Thank you again UPDATE 12005: I purchased a KampN OE replacement filter on Boxing day and sent you an e-mail in regards to how happy I was with the powertorque increase. I now have more feedback for you this time in regards to fuel consumption. Sorry to say the information I have worked out is metric so it may need converting from Litres100km to MilesGallon. The results are as follows: With OE Filter still fitted - City 23L100Kkm, Highway 17L100km With KampN Filter fitted - City 17L100km, Highway 14L100km These figures are with the car running on LPG (as fuel pump is currently not working) the Auto in Power mode and using cruise control at 100kmh in highway conditions. I would also like to add that I dont take it easy off the line so I tend to chew through fuel. Hope this information is useful to you, all the bestquot Iain McPherson Victoria, Australia quot1993 Trans Am KampN 3010-1 FIPK Hi guys just received my KampN FIPK today, went out to the shed and installed this baby. Had never seen one in the flesh before but knowing your product ordered it from the pictures on your home page. My car has done 46,000 miles and is a 93 lt1 350 as per factory other than the right hand conversion. Man what a differance it has made. All you boys, gals out there all I can say is if you aint got one best you do something about that. Fantastic product. quotKampN Filter Hi, back again with more praise for the great product you produce, this time fitted to a Yamaha XJR1300S 2004 cycle and hey what a difference these things make to it. The quotquotdarnquotquot thing just fires up fine and runs like a dream, sure glad it was fitted and I do not care about the fuel savings (I know they do exist) together with precious metal plugs this bike is terrific. quot Bob Riley Australia quotHi, Just an email to say thanks for the excellent technical support I received when selecting a KampN air filter for my 1990 Suzuki Bandit (Grey Import here in Oz) I have now traveled approximately 2000 kms with the new filter, the throttle response is improved, acceleration is better and the dip in the power curve I had at approx 6-7000 rpm (16500 rpm redline) is now gone. The best thing is the satisfying induction sound and the improved engine pick up from any rpm to make overtaking even easier. Seat-of-the-pants horsepower feel has also improved, albeit slightly. The best improvement is the more responsive throttle. Good on you KampN. I will be using your filters in all my bikes and cars from now on. quot Eric Pynaker Melbourne, Australia quotGreat Filter Purchased a filter for the bike (as listed in your testimonials) and now for car and it sure does everything you state as on the Motorcycle, so Im positive it will give me great service in the Commodore as well. Fuel over this way is at this moment 1.29 a litre (thats 5.80 a imperial gallon) and I will be happy to see an improvement on this area but also the get up and go department as well. quot Bob Riley Australia quotJust a few lines to say that I am a confirmed KampN customer and I believe that your oil filters are the best and I buy enough to keep my Chevy powered Jaguar supplied for 12 months at a time. The reason that new vehicle manufacturers dont fit your great products is that they must have vested interests elsewhere they probably make more moola from the ever suffering public who are only cannon fodder for the RICH. Thanks for giving the quotquotAverage Joequotquot a fair deal. Merry Xmas to All. quot Noel..From DownUnder Sydney, Australia quotThanks a lot I drive an AU series II XR6 Manual Sedan, I put a K amp N POD filter on about 10,000km ago and the improvements were amazing. TAPI. I bought your filter quotquotre-chargerquotquot today, and I was astonished when I drove my car after using the cleaner. WOW - It is just like a new filter--- IF anyone doesnt believe it works, man, it does (and I thought it was good for only 1 quotquotcleanquotquot, but I think Ill get about 5 filter cleans from this product) thanks a lot K amp N. a lot of other filters dont offer such a product to clean the filter, but the fact that you guys do, I have no problem spending the extra money on your products - coz I know they work and that the engineering and effort actually goes into assuring the product is of the highest stdsquot Chris D, Perth Western Australia Copyright KampN Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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